Faith and Circumstances --by Maria Fontaine Different people - TopicsExpress


Faith and Circumstances --by Maria Fontaine Different people often view situations in different ways, ranging from pessimistic to overly optimistic, and everything in between. There are many situations in which it really helps to have an abundance of faith and a good deal of positiveness and optimism. Realistically, we all have to continually deal with and handle problems, and if we don’t approach them with persevering faith, it’s easy to get dragged down and become negative.—Particularly when they’re difficult or serious problems. So unless you take on an attitude of faith and try to see the bright side and the victories the Lord has available, even out of the seeming defeats, it can get you down. It’s not good for you spiritually to allow the problems of life to overwhelm your faith and get you discouraged and pull you down. Some people have enough faith and natural optimism to do well when they’re in a positive situation. But when they’re often surrounded by difficult or seemingly impossible situations, they can end up getting dragged down. If they have a negative or pessimistic streak or attitude, the negative circumstances can play on that and tempt them to get on a negative channel. When people have had a tendency to be negative or pessimistic all their life, it’s not usually the kind of thing where they can get a quick victory and suddenly become happy, full-of-faith people overnight. If that’s the way you are, the way you’ve been all your life, then those tendencies are usually pretty deeply ingrained in you, and it takes time to overcome them. Our goal, as mature Christians, is not to be dragged down by circumstances or the problem situations others face, but to manifest faith and help to influence others with our faith. Being full of faith is what helps keep us from being constantly burdened and worried about the problems we or others face. It really takes faith to be able to rise out of the morass or abyss of our negative situations and help others do the same. That’s another characteristic of having a lot of faith: you don’t worry so much about things. Some people seem to always be trusting the Lord. They hardly ever worry about things, but just figure that everything’s going to come out all right in the end, and it usually does! Because that’s the principle of faith. “If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes.” Mark 9:23
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 05:04:45 +0000

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