Faith and the Kingdom of the World Faith is the assurance of - TopicsExpress


Faith and the Kingdom of the World Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen (Heb 11/1). We come to know through faith that all that are visible to the eye were created through the Word of God, that they continue to exist and move due to this Word (Act. 17/28). We also know that the Word came forth from God the Father, who is seen, and that the moment the Words are withdrawn, all that exist will cease to exist (Gen. 1/3 ; Col. 1/15). What God the Father has prepared and kept for His children is what the human eyes have not seen, the human ears have not heard and what the human heart cannot conceive (1 Cor. 2/9). Two of the greatest promises that God the Father has given are Eternal Life and the Heavenly City (1Jn. 2/25; Heb. 11/10 ). The Zion Flock, who are the Firstborns, are chosen to be called by Emmanuel as Gods (Jn. 10/35; Ps. 82/6) and they are being prepared by God the Father, to be worthy of this. The desires of the world stand as a hindrance and obstacle in this journey to attain the Divine Personality. The Babel culture is the software brought into this world by satan in order to keep the Children of God away from the Holy City of God and Eternal Life. Man is fully engaged in his futile effort to own the worldly things and build the kingdom of this world and to maintain a name for him. Satan is aware that the love of God the Father is not in those who love this world or the things of the world (1 Jn. 2/15-17). What is sublime to the world is wretched in the eyes of God the Father (Lk. 16/15). Whoever wishes to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God (Jam. 4/4). The Almighty God the Father has commanded that His children should not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of their minds, so that they may discern what is good and pleasing to God the Father (Rom. 12/2). God the Father has categorically declared that this world will be destroyed (2 Pet. 3/10). Therefore, whenever His Children had built a Babel culture, God the Father has always destroyed it (Gen. 11/ 8-9). God’s Children should only have ONE desire and that should be to make God the Father, Emmanuel, the Holy Spirit and Holy Mother as their own and it is for this, our Heavenly Father has given us Divine and sublime Promises. In fact, indifference to this world is the software God the Father has instilled in us to fulfill this longing of our soul. This software guards us from the luring desires of the world, the lusts of the flesh and of the eyes and the pride of life. It enables us stay away from dissipation, lusts and the worries of the world, so that these do not weaken our minds and thus the Day of the Lord may not fall upon us as a thief (Lk. 21/34-35; 2 Pet. 3/10). As faith grows within us, the detestation towards the world will also increase in us. - See more at:
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 02:42:56 +0000

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