Faith is not a mystery but fact. Gods nature is Love but he dwells - TopicsExpress


Faith is not a mystery but fact. Gods nature is Love but he dwells in the atmosphere of Faith. Without faith, there will be no Christianity. Dr Mike Murdock said that the greatest sin against God is the sin of unbelief because he hates to be doubted. He annihilated a whole generation and left only Joshua and Caleb because they doubted his power even after mighty deliverances. Faith is the vehicle that delivers heavens promises. Faith is the victory that subdues the world under our feet. Faith is the currency with which we cash in our spiritual blessings according to Eph. 1:3. By faith, we perform miracles, take territories, subdue systems and elements of this world that limit men. If you have never read a book on faith, I recommend anyone written by Dr David Oyedepo, Reinhard Bonnke, RW Schambach and the message, Making your faith work by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. A believer is powerless, useless, will underperform & underachieve without a grasp of the dynamic workings of Faith. Study the whole of Hebrews 11 for understanding. In the school of faith, you dont see before you believe, you believe, then you see. The five senses are irrelevant in the school of faith; in fact, they are enemies to walking in uninhibited Faith. By Faith, I know RBC will go places; by Faith, I believe more sons & daughters will be birthed from my ministry. By Faith, I know everyone reading this will touch & enjoy millions in this life so long as you BELIEVE. What more can I say? Faith comes by hearing and then speaking in consonance with what God has said in his Word. Faith is being a fool for God as Abraham was when asked to leave his fathers house. Faith is acting on Gods Rhema as Peter did at the command of Jesus and needed help from his colleagues to contain the avalanche of fishes that threatened to sink his boat even after an effortless business all night. This even reveals that Faith can create whatever we desire as long as God had said it. Refuse to bow to Fear, to Poverty, Sickness or Failure. By Faith, start that business, make that call, do that thing that you have been procrastinating. Do not allow your eyes to observe lying vanities; instead, see only what God has spoken concerning your life. The Victory you desire begins from your renewed mind to your spiritual eyes down to a believing lips and then actualised in your life for all to SEE. Faith says, ALL THINGS ARE YOURS! Thats all that matters- ©Rare Gentle. 2014.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 17:41:25 +0000

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