Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of - TopicsExpress


Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. We must walk by faith and not by sight as Christians. If we waited to see everything manifest in the natural all the time many of us would still be at the starting gate waiting on the Lord when in reality the Lord is waiting on us just to move. Go, preach, give and sow, help and be a blessing to others, carry the banner of Christ knowing as we seek to do the Lords will and continue to do according to Gods Word eventually we will reap if we do not grow weary and faint. That means we dont grow weary and become double-minded, stop sowing, stop helping, stop preaching, stop worshiping etc. . Waiting on the Lord never meant as you are being still sit and do nothing. No it is more like get out of the boat Christians and walk on water as you see God supply always when we are faithful He is always faithful. Yes even when we fall short He is still faithful. He never fails us. Just do things according to faith, if you sow bountifully you will reap bountifully, when you sow sparingly you will reap sparingly. God never meant for us to dig a hole in the ground and stick our heads in the ground along with all the blessings He has blessed us with. No He says go, sow, reap along the way, and keep sowing and reaping as the two go hand and hand. You can not go wrong trusting God and walking by our faith in Him and not by sight. However if you become double-minded Gods Word says for this unstable person not to expect to receive anything. Yes even good seed you have sowed in the ground can come to not if you stop believing and you begin to waver back and forth. This person Gods Word says is unstable in all his ways. We dont want to be that kind of followers in Christ who can never chew the good tasty meat but end up going back to the mild always again and again never truly trusting in the Lord to take car of all we have need of. When doubt arises as it can with all of us just remember to cast it down and even grow bolder put even greater effort into the things of God. You can never go wrong sowing of your time, talents, and resources into Gods kingdom continually. He promises to bless those that will just believe and seek to obey His will!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 03:17:06 +0000

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