Falkirk Council exposed: Protecting Grangemouth. Here is a short - TopicsExpress


Falkirk Council exposed: Protecting Grangemouth. Here is a short edited video - there are 5 full shockingly brutal ones to come - which shows the abject horror of how Grangemouth, economically the richest town in Scotland and the United Kingdom, has become under the shocking, discredited and lying management of Labour-run and also at times SNP-run Falkirk Council and their consistent failure to adhere to and implement legislation available to them and their consistent denials of there being anything wrong. Pensioners trapped in houses because of council contractors cutting down trees on a Friday afternoon and then leaving them housebound and in fear for the weekend , too frightened and unable to leave their homes, trapping those pensioners in their homes unable to leave until a passer-by interevened; turning award winning parks into swamp lands; failing to clean and maintain sports complexes; leaving beds, sofas and garbage all over estates, failing to empty bin areas, failing to inspect estates, we maintain things to the highest standards at all times , failing to fix cracked street paving and lights, potholes and divots and broken pavements and roads everywhere. No community wardens carrying out their tasks as they are supposed to, no inspections from housing; firemens lives at risk of entering flats due to no lighting and sofas and bins blocking entry, council workmen leaving their garbage everywhere for the public to clean up after them,....see it for yourself. A long-disgraced Falkirk council which has more than £1 BILLION a year income. And a third world mentality. They lie, bully and have cheated their way through billions of taxpayers money, fobbing the public for more than a decade.. but not for much longer. Welcome to third-world Falkirk District. This is how the Labour party run councils in Scotland.. by lying and keeping people in poverty and looting cash for themselves. And the councillor for this ward for many years where all these pictures have been taken since he was elected is Angus MacDonald, the SNP MSP for Falkirk East, who is as much, if not an even more glorious failure to his constituents than was his predecessor, the hapless Cathy Peattie MSP, Labour. MacDonald claims to represent the people of Grangemouth and is clearly a comedian. He mainly posts on his social media accounts about how great Norway is, about how wonderful the Kelpies are, about trying to turn the districts schools into Gaelic-speaking schools and asking his constituents to go and buy a £2.99 chicken tandoori and pitta bread at his local takeaway. Yet the area he has represented as a councillor and now as an MSP is a hellhole. MacDonald took £57,000 salary last year, plus £31,000 in expenses and was taking two salaries at one time while an MSP, including a further £18,000 for remaining as a councillor for THIS AREA HE REPRESENTS AS YOU CAN SEE IN THIS VIDEO.. There can be social justice for Scotland come 18th September, but not for this town under the shame-faced incompetent Ronald MacDonald MSP (SNP) or Michael Connarty MP (Labour), or the Labour-Tory party running this council. It is all damned lies from them all. Thats why people dont go out and VOTE ANYMORE. THEY VOTE FOR POLTICAL PARTIES NOT INDIVIDUALS as these fantasist MPs and MSPs would have you and themselves believe. And political parties are destroying communities all over Scotland to enrich there own councillor, MSP and MP bank accounts and pockets. But you can make your vote count on 18th September for change by saying YES to eliminate the shambolic and lying Labour party and we will then get Scotlands worst-ever MSP out soon after that. If Alex Salmond, First Minister for Scotland wants to attract real talent to his government, then he needs to look inside at exactly what calibre of councillor he is attracting as an SNP MSP, take action against them and kick them out of the Scottish government.. and he might well have to start doing that sooner than he expects. Alex Salmond was elected to represent the People of Scotland, given a mandate by the people of Scotland as he said, he therefore needs to listen to the people of Scotland - and kick out the drivel and dross that also lies within his own party. Grangemouth would be a good start where the electorate want rid of its SNP MSP and Labour MP and back to the independent burgh status it had and where it was the best run burgh in the whole of Scotland. Run by the people for the people. Not by incompetent, blustering and useless political party loyalist lapdog politicians, who are taking money from the Scottish and UK taxpayer under false pretences as this heavily-edited video clearly shows. Think this is bad? Watch and wait for what is about to come.....Time for change. Now when you look at this video please see another lying e-mail I have had in from Falkirk Council yesterday morning 29th August, 2014: Dear Mr Hardie I refer to your recent emails and visit to the Grangemouth One Stop Shop, regarding various issues in the Grangemouth area. As advised to you in our previous correspondence, the Council has an Estate Management Policy for the maintenance of local areas, and regular checks of all areas are carried out. Senior Neighbourhood Co-ordinator Falkirk Council Grangemouth Onestop Shop 5 York Lane, Grangemouth, FK3 8BD
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 13:20:14 +0000

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