Fall out of Nigerian security agents attack on Ashura procession: - TopicsExpress


Fall out of Nigerian security agents attack on Ashura procession: The soldier who threw the bomb at our brothers causing the martyrdom of sixteen children, is himself dead. In a situation which could be interpreted as Gods revenge, the evil man just dropped dead in their barrack. There was not even a headache bothering him, he just slumped and died horribly. Also, the soldiers have gone completely berserk, they are combing people homes, searching for youths and slaughtering them with sharp knives. Apparently what enraged them was the brave individual act of a brother when they came to demolish the school and centre of the brothers known as (Markaz) in a battle tank. When they came, they opened fire sporadically, the battle tank leading the way, heading for the Markaz. A brave boy named Muhammad snatched a stick, hid behind a building, when the tank neared his hiding place, he came out dogging bullets, hoisted himself onto the tank. He engaged the tank gunner in a duel hitting him on the head repeatedly. Stunned, frightened and bloody, the tank did a u turn, demolishing a part of a nearby house. Seeing this, God put fright in the heart of the soldiers, they began to run, while the brothers kept chanting God is Great, Yaa Mahdi, Ya Husain. The brave act of the boy saved the centre from demolition and saved the lives of the wounded brothers sheltering there. Perhaps, that is why they are hunting youths in potiskum, whether you belong to the Islamic movement or not. Those slaughtered in their homes so far,18 in total, were all sunnis and perhaps, enemical to us Shias. But, as I said, the soldiers have gone stark raving mads. They no longer differentiate! Meanwhile, the zionist Israelis have given the Nigerian government a Fait accompili to do away with the movement, and finish off all Shiites in Nigeria. Therefore they are planning to ambush the car of our leader, Ayatullah Sayyed Ibrahim Zakzaky Hafizahullah. His route to Majlis e Aza was changed and they planned the ambush on both routes yestarday. It seems we are under attack, as they planned to eliminate us at all cost. The zionists consider us a threat against their total domination on Nigerian vast natural resources and arable land, and fishing potentials. Beneath the soil, there exists Gold, Uranium, oil, gas, iron, platinum, tin, and God knows what else! The Zionists have already dug new oil wells in the forest of Sambisa where they managed to deceive the world into believing is a headquater of the phantom zionists created Boko Haram. They are fully cognizant of the fact that the Islamic movement is the only group of people who knew of all their machinations through our revered leader. He kept on exposing their diabolical plan, one after the other. That is why they decided to finish us off, if their plan is to succeed without a hitch. We only need prayers for steadfastness. We are ready to face any hardship,any barbarity,any torture or murder. We only need supplications from any freedom loving person in the world for steadfastness and enduarance. We chose this path of the Ahl al Bait A.S. And, we are ready for the consequences. On Allah we depend, in Him we put our trusts. He Is The Best of (all) helpers. HASBUNALLAHU WA NIIMAL WAKIYL.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 01:01:33 +0000

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