Fallacy of outward Expressions Recently I was invited to give a - TopicsExpress


Fallacy of outward Expressions Recently I was invited to give a speech somewhere. I was lined up with other eloquent and informative speakers in the program. The session was without doubt well organized and great. However, I observed with keen interest as some from the audience asked questions and commented at the end of the presentations. Many even after such powerful presentations expressed their doubt that things can change. I sensed that their cultural beliefs and traditions were resisting change. As much as they valued the presentations and the understanding demonstrated by different speakers. They were still battling with the possibilities of change in spite of convincing and abundant evidence. People are not always lacking information; but sometimes they simply lack the desire and willingness to change. Your wisdom and knowledge can be scorned by peoples attitude. Jesus displayed mastery over all kinds of knowledge and nature, yet was bluntly resisted by the people of His time. Not only did He teach, but demonstrated the Kingdom. Yet, many wouldnt dare change nor receive Him. They marveled at His wisdom, love, grace and authority: but murmured at His purpose and principles. They were attracted to Works but resisted His ways . They wanted the benefits but not His being. Could it be possible that many are pressing in to see and meet you while they hate your persona? Sounds absurd, doesnt it? Yet, thats the picture of the World we living in. Dont be deceived by their applause. Enjoy the love and appreciation when offered in truth: but dont bank on it. Do whatever you do with a sincere heart without reproach. Know this: change doesnt come easy. Especially when people perceive the loss of control over a sphere of influence. The questions they ask reveal their deep seated beliefs. Unless they substitute their beliefs, they wont change.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 12:54:00 +0000

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