Falling from grace is not falling into sin - falling from grace is - TopicsExpress


Falling from grace is not falling into sin - falling from grace is falling into the devils deception that if I keep laws and rules I obligate God to bless me. If anyone goes under law, thats what it is. (Galatians 5:4) - You have fallen away from grace. Next time someone says to you; Oh someone has fallen from grace then ask them. Oh did they go back under law?. Oh no - no - they broke the law!. Are you reading the New Testament friend? Did Jesus die on the Cross for nothing? Are you still under the curse of the Law? Which Bible are you reading!?. Yes but they sinned!. Well praise God - grace more abounds! But my friend I think you have fallen from grace because you think sin causes you to fall from grace - so actually YOU have fallen from grace!. How dare you?!. Turn to Galatians 5:4!. What does the word justified mean? A lot of people say Well God looks at me just as if I had never sinned. Just as if I had always obeyed Him. And that is wonderful! But actually theologically what justification means is God gives you HIS righteousness as a gift and that is how God sees you all the time. Millions of Christians in the church world have fallen from grace - I know I had for many years of my Christianity. I tried to get God to do good to me by me trying to be holy enough to earn it. But now under this Gospel I want to be holy. I hate sin! I dont want to sin! I want to live so holy, so obedient to God. I want to give my money and my time and invest who I am in eternal purpose. ..... To try and obligate God to bless you by what you do for Him is just not on (Romans 11:35). Who has ever given to God that God should repay Him?. God gave to the world! God so loved the world that He gave His only Son and out of that came the Gospel where God gives you His righteousness and then you no longer grasp after it but you find your identity in the gift of righteousness - you find rest, you find peace and then under the power of God you begin to invade the impossible. (Romans 4:15) - Because the law brings wrath and where there is no law, there is no transgression. If the law of God can be taken off your life then there would be no basis for God to have wrath on your life anymore. The law brings wrath - but where there is no law - there is NO wrath! (Colossians 2:14) - Having cancelled the written code with its regulations that was against us and that stood opposed to us, He took it away nailing it to the Cross. (v9) - You have been given fullness in Christ. He has cancelled the written code! Now why did He have to cancel that? Because Jesus could not give you His righteousness while the Law existed towards you and its towards the world and those not saved but for those in Christ, we come into the benefits of the Cross and so that Law has been cancelled. Why did it have to be cancelled? If it was not cancelled - the 10 Commandments would demand a righteousness of you that you couldnt give. But once it is cancelled now legally Christ can give you His. What did He give you? His righteousness. Whats that? Right standing with the Father. That means right standing equal to the standing Jesus has. That means you stand before the Father on equal terms with how Jesus stands before the Father. YOU have access to the Father. Access to grace. Access to intimacy with the Father - you can stand there with innocence just as if you have never sinned and just as if no one had sinned against you. YOU are accepted in the Beloved just as Jesus is because the Law that demanded righteousness and brought wrath on your life has been cancelled. And where there is NO law - there is NO transgression. Not only has God forgiven all your sins up until the point where you got saved and all the future has been blotted out on the Cross but He has taken away the means by which the devil accused you or God could condemn you. He has taken away the Law and you no longer grasp after righteousness through the Law or try to obligate God to bless you through what you do but now having got this righteousness as a gift and you no longer grasp after it and humble yourself and lay your life down to the point of death if necessary not out of a place to get identity but because YOU have identity. There are millions of backslidden Christians around the world who had ideas to change the world and follow Jesus and they were hyped up to do it, but they werent taught the foundations of this Gospel. They only lasted a few years because driven to get identity of righteousness leaves you with a feeling that you are never doing enough. Rob Rufus sermon excerpt from Invading the Impossible - 13th January 2008
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 06:44:27 +0000

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