False Prophets! Beware! Deception Part 3 of 15(Read and Share) Its - TopicsExpress


False Prophets! Beware! Deception Part 3 of 15(Read and Share) Its Long but worth reading if you are a Christian. On numerous occasions, the Lord requested me to warn His people about false prophets. This seemed to be an urgent matter to the Lord who expressed that currently many of His children are being led astray by false prophets “And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit” (Matthew 15:14). Jesus is a Great Loving Shepherd who would leave 99 sheep in the pasture to find one that is lost. Upon finding this sheep, He rejoices over it. Jesus heart breaks even when one soul is stolen from Him. “So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish” Matthew 18:14. On the night of November 20, 2013, the Lord reminded me to share this teaching with you. I asked Him to give me more details of what He had previously shared but He did not. Instead He said, “you once believed one for a short time!” I knew this, I almost wanted to disappear but I run into His arm begging for mercy. I remember how in 2012, I had started to listen to this end times prophet who claimed to have real visitations from the Lord and to heaven. He would describe his visitations as though they were real but alas there were red flags! More than once, this prophet had said that Jesus told him the rapture would take place in 2012. He predicted many things and gave the time they would take place but they never came to pass. Several months before the visitations I had repented about this but that night again, I collapsed before the Lord in repentance. He comforted me, kindly spoke to me and showed me how through it all He protected me and used it to teach me so that one day I would be able to teach others. If we do not listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, there are things we must learn through circumstances and hard ways! Before the Lord left, He reminded me to share with you that In order to mislead, false prophets will mix the truth with what is false so it seems believable! Does half-truth = the truth? Does 99% of the truth = the truth? When someone comes saying they have received a revelation of when Jesus is coming and they give us the year, the day and the hour, we must exercise discernment and remember it is written: “No one knows the day or the hour” Matthew 24:36. The Lord wants all His children to exercise their discernment, be able to identify false prophets and false teachers and to stop following them. To be mentored by a false prophets opens doors to strong deceiving spirits that have power to take people to hell. “And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit” Jesus warned “Exercise your discernment, do not be led away by wolves. Exercise your discernment; do not be led away by those who will end you!” False prophets will mix the truth with what is false so it seems believable! show you how this and that cannot be possible but we follow a God before whom nothing shall be impossible. Instead of bearing the fruit of the spirit, they bear the fruit of the flesh (Galatians 5:22-23). There are many types of false prophets. They come to us in many many different shapes and forms. So many types that there will be teaching A, B, C all the way to Z…on this subject. When false prophets are identified, you must ACT. Do not linger around, do not play with it, do not just slow down BUT BACK OFF – In other words stop following them! The voice of Jesus “The sheep hear His voice, and He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out. When He has brought out all His own, He goes before them, and the sheep follow Him, for they know His voice. A stranger they will not follow, but they will flee from Him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.” (John 10:2)Not only I but all the prayer warriors who experienced the visitations from the Lord can describe to you the unmistakable voice of Jesus. He taught us how to discern His voice so well that when later on a counterfeit occurred, we all knew that it was a voice of a stranger! Here we share what we have learned from the voice of Jesus! The voice of Jesus is the voice of Truth; there is not a single lie in it nor a shadow of a lie. The voice of Jesus always brings hope and never extinguish the hope of a man. Therefore be careful when you read an article or hear a teaching that tells you “This pastor and that pastor and that one… are going to hell!” Jesus did not come to extinguish the hope of mankind. “He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle.” Matthew 12:20. This pastor and that pastor and that one can repent and go to heaven! The voice of Jesus is full of life. It is a voice that never condemns that no matter how poor we thought we performed, He would come and comfort, teaches and show us how next time it would get better. It is a voice that never points out a finger to expose nor focuses on your weakness and failures. Jesus points out your strength. It is a voice that has no negativity and no complaining in it. It is a voice that never goes against the word of God. A voice that never picks on people, a voice that never jump on their failures nor criticize others. It is a voice that NEVER call people by name and exposes their failures. The Lord taught us that the people who criticize and judge other servants of God do not have a correct knowledge of the Bible and of God and He will judge them fiercely. He told us that other servants walk with Him is not ours to judge, that He has called no one to do this kind of work. The Lord told us about these things and they are already written in the Bible. 1 Corinthians 4:1-6. The voice of Jesus is a healing positive voice. It is a voice that takes away the burden and the weight. The Lord always gives peace, love and joy. I was also amazed to see how very polite the Lord is – I know this might sound strange to some people but when He spoke to us through writing [He spoke to us in many different ways], if the person through whom He spoke had fast movement as they were in the Spirit, He would warn us that the writing will be jerky and He would say, “I am sorry about that”. Oh the voice of the Lord! It is a voice that has great grace and great compassion, a voice that loves deeply that after you hear Him talk, joy overflows your entire being. After you hear Him you pray more, you love more, you worship more, you devote yourself more to Him, you are humbled by His majesty. It is a voice that surprises you with wonders and God’s majesty endlessly. It is a voice that excites. False Prophets in Sheep’s Clothing: Teachers False prophets in sheep clothing are those Christians leaders who serve the Lord with a wrong motive. Outwardly they appear righteous. From head to toes, they are dressed like Christians. They hold the Bible and teach from it as the spirit of deception inspires them to twist scriptures. This picture is very identical on what you might see when you look at them with your spiritual eyes. Among False Prophets are false teachers and these are the most dangerous because they convert, they know how to program people, they shut the kingdom of heaven in people’s face and won’t let them enter in (Matthew 23:13). To begin with, they might have had a calling of God on their lives to teach and preach but the gift gets corrupted and through their preaching and teachings, they have power to deceive and convert people and make them worse than they are (Matthew 23:15). They have power to even lead the elects to hell. Q True prophets can become false if they let themselves be corrupted & not guard God’s gifts. They preach about a ministry or a church: The church is His body. Jesus will never come against His own body. When someone takes on to expose a church, they are being used by satan. The Bible tells us that the gates of hell are the ones who will come against the church but praise God, the gates of hell shall not prevail! They preach against the fire ministry: Jesus came to cast fire upon the earth and not to make us lukewarm. The devil is terrified by the fire ministry because it exposes his identity. “The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify about it that its works are evil” (John 7:7) When the devil is exposed, he loses the battle –The fire movement will be used greatly in the end times revival – this revival will spread like a raging fire that cannot be contained – GOOD NEWS: THIS HAS ALREADY BEGAN! Their teachings saw doubts and unbelief: Listening and reading their teachings saw devil’s seeds into the reader’s minds: those seeds are doubts, unbelief and lies. So be careful of what you read out there on internet. Their teachings offer hopelessness: They might share a vision or a word they received that God said such and such a preacher who is still alive will go to hell. God offers hope. God gives those who are still alive a chance to repent. They teach against the gifts of the Holy Spirit: They have not received such and such a gift and they write pages against that gift. How can someone who does not speak Chinese be a Chinese teacher? How can someone who has not been to heaven teach you about it? They study the word of God with wrong motive and they teach heresies and all kinds of wrong doctrines. Their false teachings offer hopelessness, doubts, unbelief etc… their visions are full of lies and deceit. To one case where someone claimed to have visitations from the Lord and is told to expose God’s true ministers, The Lord said “I do not visit those who would not hear me! You have turned away and you would not see my face. I am calling you to repent! I have taught you to not be deceived but you allowed yourself to be deceived! You chose the deceiver over me, you chose betrayal over me, you chose hate over love; you chose murder over kindness; you chose death over life; you choose sin over righteousness; if you do not repent, know that you are choosing hell over me. I have warned you many times but you continued to refuse to repent and turn. Once again, I am calling you to repent now and open your heart to me.” End Times False Prophets Matthew 24 begins with the disciples asking the Lord to tell them about the sign of His coming and of the end of the age. The first answer Jesus gave them was to beware of false prophets & of false christs. The arise of many false prophets in our midst today is one of the sign that indicates we are in the end times. There are many false prophets in this field. The Bible says that they will be many and they will lead many astray. End times false prophets focus on predicting the future especially the year, month, day or the hour of the rapture. Jesus is not a fortune teller. He can reveal things to come but it is not all He does. We were amazed when the visitations began and we saw that He did not talk only about the rapture but He touched many subjects of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. The rapture is not something He talked about every day but when He talked about it and the judgments to come, we all feared and trembled! He was very firm and told us to share these things everywhere we go. During the visitations, many of us were not allowed to ask questions regarding future events without the Lord initiating it. Many times when people persisted or forgot and asked those questions the Lord would say “Wait and see” or “I am a God of mystery”. What is almost on His heart every day is THE LOST – those people who do not know Him, those people whom He loves so dearly but are on their way to hell! Every day He reminded us to focus on Him and to remain humble. Every day He reminded us to never forget how much He loves us and to remember that He died for our sins. When end times false prophets give the date of His coming (remember none knows the day or the hour), when it does not happen, they set another date, and another one and another one... Their words will not come to pass. They might talk about an upcoming earthquake, tell you to move to that place and to stock up for food and point you into trusting in human provision. It is wisdom to heed God’s warning but God’s wisdom will not point you to trust in the arm of the flesh, but in God. True prophets can become corrupt and become false prophets. In fact there are many who receive this gift during the devotion of their youth but if they open doors to sin and are not careful, the devil make them stumble, he gives them some of his deceiving spirits so that when they prophesy they also mix with the devil’s lies just like Balaam. Q True prophets who let their gift become corrupted can become false prophets! A warning and a wakeup call to guard God’s given gifts. Seer False Prophets: Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD. Jer 23:16 Like Balaam, they might hear from the Lord and have their spiritual eyes open (Numbers 24:4) but they have corrupted the gifts because of greed and other sins. These types of prophets can obey the Lord whenever they want to but the main purpose that the devil has these types of prophets is to lead people to sin. They will teach you to not observe God’s laws and commands. The Bible says that “Behold, these caused the sons of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, so the plague was among the congregation of the Lord” (Numbers 31:16 NASB). False prophets need to repent. If they do not, the sentence is hell. There is a big place in hell reserved for false prophets. . The chief spirits that keep captive false prophets are: Deception, Pride (they put themselves in the seat of Moses as if qualified to take care of other people’s sins instead of theirs) , Persecution: They persecute messengers of the full and true gospel, they love to blame innocent and kind servants. The demons in them influence persecutors to persecute, harass and kill those people who proclaim true gospel. Other spirits that influence them includes: Hate, jealousy, religious spirits etc. November 3, 2013: JESUS answered the question of wearing paints, jewelry, make up, hair extension etc… False Testimonies: Nowadays, there are testimonies coming forth from those who claim to have visited hell or heaven, emphasizing a holiness that is seen as an outward appearance. These people claim that JESUS told them wearing pants, jewelry, lipsticks, woven articles, make ups, braiding hair, painting nails etc… take people to hell. The LORD has taught us on this issue and HE has warned us: Deception can worm its way into the Truth! WARNING! Deception can worm its way into the Truth! SOLUTION: Exercise your discernment! Look closely! What they are claiming have one thing in common: Outward Appearance! GOD’s Words say, Man looks on the outward appearance, but The LORD looks on the heart. Does the perishable inherit the imperishable? Does the material save a soul or make anyone holier? We do not gain the approval of The Lord by the physical nor does HE judge anyone of us by outward appearance but by the intention of the heart. When someone says they saw JESUS and HE told them “such and such” strange new things that even your own spirit start getting uneasy as you read them. Please know that GOD wants you to EXERCISE YOUR DISCERNMENT [without unbelief however] and use the understanding of the Holy Scripture that The HOLY SPIRIT will give you before you believe everything they say. You read, you see some truth but you see some errors and red flags: Watch out! Don’t swallow everything they say. Exercise your discernment. Redemption is not the work of man but The LORD’s. False holiness emphasizes the Outward / Physical Appearance, despising the Cross and the Redemption by the Blood of JESUS. What we put on, be it hair, make ups, cloths… is not what makes someone holy or beautiful to JESUS. Over and over again, JESUS told us in our FACE-to-face encounters that beauty to HIM is not physical. HE also told us that a beautiful bride to HIM is not the one who is so physically. HE told us that what makes a beautiful bride to HIM is LOVE, SACRIFICIAL LOVE. A beautiful bride to HIM is a person who loves and has greater love – Greater love has none than this, That one lays down his life for his friends. John 15:13. A beautiful bride is one who is willing to give up anything for HIM and follow HIM wherever HE takes them. HE told us wearing pants doesn’t cause anyone go to hell, what takes people to hell is sin in their hearts. If someone thinks they are holy because of what they wear or how they look, then what role does the Blood of JESUS play? When someone is saved, is it JESUS who saves that person or is it the way they are dressed that save them? We all know the answer – JESUS – Only JESUS is our SAVIOR. If clothing has no power to save someone, why will someone believe that clothing alone has power to condemn people to hell? JESUS told us that HE created man naked. He also created the woman naked. Clothing is physical, manmade and as such, will it please HIM? Will what is man-made, invented by man be used to determine who is holy and who is not, or who enter Heaven or not? No! The material cannot buy the SPIRITUAL, it cannot be used as a scale to determine who is pleasing to GOD or not. GOD looks at the heart. So what is the motive of the heart thats what matters to HIM? If someone is dressing to cause people to fall then thats sin. If someone dresses certain ways because of pride and vanity, then that is sin. If a woman habitually goes into men’s section and buys her cloths there, then they definitely need to be set free. The moment people believe this deception and do not repent, they have opened a door by which Religious spirits will enter! This is what the Pharisees had!Luke 18:9-14: And HE also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt. One door open leads to another and to another and to another. One by one, spirits of judging others, pride, religious spirits etc… will enter those who open this door. When we see people, we are supposed to see The CHRIST in them but once that spirit enters, people are blinded and they stop seeing that beautiful JESUS in their brethren, instead they start judging them. The Pharisees emphasized on cleaning the outside while the inside was full of wickedness (Luke 11:38- 40; Matthew 23:25-28).For many nights The LORD has been teaching us on deception and I will be releasing series of articles on this. Satan is the father of lies and his most powerful weapon right now against those who read revelation of hell and heaven is DECEPTION. Because the devil knows many lives are being changed through books of heaven and hell and many serious believers are reading them - he is using that! The LORD reminded us that before HE called us into this ministry, for 10 years HE first gave us the gift of discernment. Visions and discernment must go together hand in hand. Our little group here, we all walk with GOD holy, no sin… also the place where we meet to gather every night it is heavily guarded by angels that not a single demon has a chance to get inside the building at the moment to deceive. The LORD told us a few nights ago “demons ha e no chance to get in”. The LORD led us through a process of cleansing this area, that every article in the house – including the wires, power cords everything from roof to floor HE cleansed by HIS Own Power, one by one. The LORD has explained to us that the testimony of people whose spiritual eyes open like that with no holiness or without going through the proper process of paying the price and going to hell and be tormented have potential to be corrupted and can end up in deception. When he opens their eyes without paying the price first, they are supposed to go through a process of paying a price later on. But oftentimes, before they get to that process they are already deceived. Pants, earrings, chains, woven articles, make ups and clothing have one thing in common. They are all material stuff, OUTWARD APPEARANCE. Does the perishable inherit the imperishable? Does the material save a soul, or make anyone holier? We do not gain the approval of The LORD by the physical nor does HE judge anyone by outward appearance but by the intention of the heart. We have asked HIM this question several times. One night, this is what The LORD said when we asked HIM about wearing paints and make up – Lies take/keep people in bondage but the Truth sets the people free. Here is what The LORD said: November 3, 2013: JESUS answered the question of wearing paints, jewelry, make up, hair extension etc… JESUS: What state did I create Adam and Eve in? Without cloth Naked! When did they make themselves cloths? After they sinned. Who made them cover themselves first? They covered themselves first not I. What did I give them? Did I give them cloths? No, I gave them fur, I gave them things to cover (Genesis 3) But I did not design it as in paints with belt, pockets… The jewelry, lipsticks, hair extension, make –up… Mankind does all these things, Not I! You are not going to be condemned to hell because of wearing paints I repeat: You are not going to be condemned to hell because of wearing paints I LOOK AT THE CONDITION OF THE HEART Someone who is tattooed before they are saved Does that mean that because they have tattoos they are not going to be forgiven? All have sinned and come short of the Glory of GOD (Romans 3:23) All have sinned And the wage of sin is death That death I paid for That is the answer - I paid for sin And I look at the condition of heart Besides I am a GOD WHO created colors I am the one who crafted each and every person I am the one who painted the skin When girls wear makeup, they are just adding painting to it. To All GOD’s Children: Dress Modestly All GOD’s children should dress modestly, that’s what the Bible tells us. Dress for JESUS and for the Glory of HIS Name. The HOLY SPIRIT will guide GOD’s children in knowing how to dress modestly. Repent: The LORD wants those who hold unto divisive doctrines such as these to REPENT so that HE can set them free and that HIS Body can be united once more and once for all. WHEN YOU TRULY REPENT: The religious spirits, deception, false judging, pride, division, Pharisees’ etc… will leave you in JESUS’ Name (1 John 1:9). As revealed by JESUS CHRIST; To Christine Uwizera Coleman; Blazing Holy Fire Church; TheBlazingHolyFire
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 14:14:45 +0000

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