Family research Council: Obamas Phone Diplomacy Rings - TopicsExpress


Family research Council: Obamas Phone Diplomacy Rings Hollow When President Obama said that America never leaves a man behind, there was one Marine who begged to differ. Imprisoned for six months (long enough to see the U.S. trade terrorists for an Army deserter), Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi may be close to tasting freedom -- no thanks to President Obama. The same commander-in-chief who negotiated with terrorists for the release of Bowe Bergdahl has refused to ask for Andrews release, despite the national outcry. Where the White House has failed the Marine, members of Congress have not. Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.), who chairs the Foreign Affairs Subcommitee on the Western Hemisphere, held a rare mid-recess hearing that included everyone from Andrews mom to talk-show host Montel Williams. If this hearings going to stop in 10 minutes, I think the President needs to pick up the phone in 15. Make the call. Make the call today, Williams said, holding back tears. The call Williams was referring to is to Mexican President President Enrique Pena Nieto, a person the White House has yet to phone. According to USA Today, Salmon and Royce said they met with Vice President Biden before Obama was to talk with Pena Nieto and were assured that Tahmooressis case would be brought up. Salmon said it wasnt. Fortunately, Reps. Salmon and Rep. Ed Royce (R-Calif.) have stepped in where President Obama has not. After a discussion with the Mexican Attorney General, both Congressmen are confident that a humanitarian release will occur very soon. Meanwhile, the administrations priorities could not be more confused. Sgt. Bergdahl cost American lives. Stg. Tahmooressi saved them, veteran Pete Hegseth testified. Its time for the President to step in and defend all Americans abroad -- whether its Sgt. Tahmooressi or Pastor Saaed Abedini. Its time that being an American meant something once again; that no matter where you may be in the world you are not alone, your country stands with you Family research Council
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 22:47:30 +0000

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