Family: so important, to me family means unity. Love, - TopicsExpress


Family: so important, to me family means unity. Love, togetherness..... Something I have fought to keep together and always promised myself, I will strive and push, pull, whatever it took to keep my immediate family together, hence having a broken home.. Which at the time when I was young had an impact on me. I always promised myself when I started a family I will keep our unit together. Ups ,downs....emotional roll coasters....any situation, struggles,whatever... I would suck it up,wipe my tears and look at the bigger picture. Because marriage, being a mom and life doesnt come with instructions... You live and learn, making one a stronger individual. Being married I take, or took my vows very seriously. But when is enough ,enough? When a heart that was warm,loving and giving has been tarnished, shattered.. When do you put yourself first? Some women are strong, especially those who hold their own,with absentee fathers, who plays both roles.. Much respect! At times we become weak, and Ive learned its okay to cry....Ive never been one to boo hoo over every little lately I been letting it all out,feel 100% better! Been coming around. Gaining my strength back.. Not gonna lie, Ive been feeling so much better, happy and things are looking up. Even though right now life keeps throwing ,or putting obstacles in my way.. Im jumping over them shits! one point I searched for comfort in other ways. Through convo and empty words. But Ive moved on,and never again..ladies have you ever felt this way? You feel like you found solace in another to be let down? I hope this post touches anyone going through and ups and downs ,its GOING TO GET BETTER if you will it be and be proactive, positive and simply just be you. We all have our breaking points, our lil meltdowns, its okay.. If people ,friends,lovers ,family cant except you at your worst and arent sticking by you just because they might think this chick is crazy they never really understood you,never wanted to...and thats ok! They didnt belong in your life..we are human... With feelings and emotions...dont let no man make you question yourself, your are a beautiful creature ,created by God...especially those of you hard working mamas, loving and filled with passion..some people cant handle that...its ok ( insider , luv you are amazing) someone will, dont go searching, in time it will happen for you...been through a similar situation.... Love you.. Hope this post uplifts you luv...Muah!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 06:11:20 +0000

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