Family time and time-for-fam were great this summer. Ghana: a - TopicsExpress


Family time and time-for-fam were great this summer. Ghana: a place where they mourn your absence long before you’re gone—and not the way many others understandably do—pretend they will be enjoying the same, though all else appears as though the phrase “party hard” will lose its meaning for a while just as you have completed your final packing. In Ghana, they mourned my departure in truth: in tears, frowns, cut-eye, cussings, vandalism, and gifts, the like. I was sure, for sure, I’d be missed. Buffalo, NY, in May, was joy unspeakable with good peeps and good company, real good eats and good conversations all around. Home vacation in June was peaceful, calm and reflective. July 1st to 4th was a big bang, in truth: very lovely! New York had me singing Old Blue Eyes’, Sinatra’s, rendition of “New York, New York” as well as Jay-Z and Alicia Keys’ own relatively recent salute to New York. This was long before I even packed for the trip. By the time I got back from New York, my song was even truer. It’s beyond words how much I “feel” the city; from Harlem to Brooklyn, Brooklyn to Manhattan, and back to Harlem, borough after borough, subway stop after subway stop. It was like it was just me and the change in my pocket. The Bajans put on a really good show at Aunt C’s church to top off the weekend and bring in my own “Caribana” season. An emotional wedding that turned out to be quite nice was quite nice although we had to leave for Ghana soon after so it seemed very rushed… In Ghana, there were many, many highlights I’ll have to keep to myself. ‘Got lots of singing practice on a voice I never knew I had four months ago. No pics taken in Ghana. Even the thought of busting out a camera was like work to me ...Boy, did I need that vacation! Being up in the mountainous area frequently and in-and-out of cars the whole time, I got more of a tan in Canada one day walking to the corner store without sunscreen than during the entire month I spent in Ghana. Oh well! There are more important things in life! :P In the end, got a clearer vision of my purpose in this current season and ended up making a lot of healthy decisions for both work and play in the future. Summer 2014, Aisha H.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 20:16:58 +0000

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