Fan Q: I need some advise and please be considerate. Thank you - TopicsExpress


Fan Q: I need some advise and please be considerate. Thank you in advance. Sorry for the length. Yesterday my daughter barely ate her breakfast, she got a bath because the food she did eat was all over her and made her sticky. Well around noon I put her down for a nap and when she got up from her nap around 3pm she had a tempature of 102.4 and she wasnt fussy just clingy and wanting to sleep alot, I gave her some pedilyte. Well a few hours later I checked her tempature again and it was 101.9 so I gave her some more pedilyte and some infant motrin. A few hours later I checked her tempature again and it was 101.4 so I gave her more pedilyte and infant motrin. She ate her dinner well, she had another bath to clean her up from her messy dinner and to try and see if it would help with her tempature. After her bath she snuggled up against me and fell asleep (she usually wont go to sleep unless she had a bottle), I laid her in her crib and she slept from 7pm-1am this morning and when she woke up she was still burning up so I took her tempature again and it was 101.1 and she was fussy and clingy but wouldnt go back to sleep until almost 2am. It is 8:30am and shes warm, fussy, clingy and has barely eaten any of her breakfast. I had to call off work because I was planning on trying to find a ride to take her into the doctors office. Shes eating her formula fine. She will be a year old December 11th. I am a ftm and the last time she had a fever she was 5 months old and her tempature then was 103.6 and I rushed her to the ER. Well my question is since her tempature went down should she be fine or should I take her in to see her peditrician? RP by *T*
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 13:47:50 +0000

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