Fan Share , Birth Story Hey, this is my birth story. My - TopicsExpress


Fan Share , Birth Story Hey, this is my birth story. My favorite birth was with my daughter. She was due on May 24, 2014 but my husbands birthday is the 20th so we scheduled the csection for his birthday. We checked in at the hospital around 5am (for a scheduled csection at that hospital, you prepare for surgery in the recovery room) and we went up to L&D to the recovery room. There, I changed into my gown, signed some papers, peed in a cup, had some blood drawn and got my IV. I laid in my hospital bed and watched tv and talked and joked with my husband and brother while they monitored the babys heartbeat and met different member s of my surgery team. Once my dr got to the hospital, he came in and said hi and then it was time. I walked to the OR while my husband stayed in recovery to dress into his scrubs. I walked into the OR and sat on the table. They placed hospital socks on my feet and gave me some benadryl in my IV bc I was so nervous and anxious lol. Then my nurse hugged me and talked me through getting my spinal. I laid down and they put some blankets on to keep me warm and they started scrubbing down my belly. But something was wrong.... I was only numb to my thighs; I was supposed to be numb to my rib cage. They bbrought my husband in and then the dr came in. He did a couple pinch tests on my belly to make sure I was numb.... but I wasnt. The dr and my husband had to leave so they could give me another spinal. Before i could get my repeat spinal, theyll had to rip this clear sticky tape off my belly where they haf created the sterile field lol it hurt like hell. Then they gave me another shot in my back, this one worked immediately and i was numb from my ribs to my feet. My husband and dr came back and surgery started! My precious angel was born onMay 20, 2014 at 8:23 am. She weighed 7 lbs, 4.7 oz and she was 20.75 in long. It was 10 minutes from the time they pulled her from my body, cleaned and weighed her and gave her her shots and placed her back on my chest. Then, at only 10 minutes old, she crawled from my chest to my nipple and started eating! My husband and the nurse anesthetist helped hold her on me while she ate. No baby had ever done that at the hospital I delivered at, so allthe staff members were very impressed. We went home 2 days later and shes still going strong with breastfeeding. I am so proud of my sweet girl! -♡kels
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 04:56:26 +0000

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