Fantastic article about a phenomenal woman. Doris reynolds - TopicsExpress


Fantastic article about a phenomenal woman. Doris reynolds friend ,my mentor and like a surrogate grandmother to me. I love you Doris! She taught me a whole new way of looking at life. ---------------------------------------- NAPLES, Fla. - It’s almost certain Doris Reynolds has lived here longer than you have. She came to Naples in 1952, when the town’s population – in season, no less – was around 2,000. Since then, she has earned a reputation as “an instinctive journalist,” “a world traveler,” “a maverick,” “an institution,” “a phenomenal cook,” “a force to be reckoned with” and “a ball of fire,” according to those who know her. Reynolds started in Naples as the executive secretary/managing director of the Chamber of Commerce and most recently has been a food columnist for the Naples Daily News and the official historian of the city of Naples. At 89, she has begun taking stock of her life and what her final contributions to the area should be. “I’m getting older,” she said on a recent afternoon at her home, “and even though I’d like to, I’m not going to live forever.” For years, she has tossed around the idea of creating a college scholarship fund, and this year, she is making it happen. In conjunction with the Daily News and the Community Foundation of Collier County, she is funding a scholarship to send one high school student to journalism school next year. “All the resources I have have been made in Naples,” she said. “Naples has been very generous to me and I want to pay the community back.” The scholarship is open to seniors at any Collier County public school who wish to pursue a degree in journalism. It will pay up to $50,000 over the course of four years, but the student must maintain their grades to keep it. The recipient will have opportunities to work at the Daily News on breaks from school, editor Manny Garcia said. Born in Pennsylvania, Reynolds escaped a turbulent childhood and ran away from her home in New Jersey when she was only 13. She hopped on a train to Charleston, South Carolina, where a woman with Travelers Aid linked her up with a family who needed an au pair, giving her a fresh start. At school, Reynolds served as the editor of the school paper and began selling stories to The Saturday Evening Post and Collier’s magazine. Her first story – an essay about her crush on a boy – paid about $25. Reynolds graduated from school at 15, but said she was more or less pushed out. “They graduated me because they just wanted to get rid of me. Really, that’s the truth,” Reynolds said. “They said, ‘You could be here 25 years and not learn anything new because you’re just not interested in anything but writing.’ ” After school, Reynolds joined the government’s National Youth Administration program, where she learned to type and eventually snagged at job as a typist at the Charleston Navy Yard. One day, the admiral came to visit and asked if anyone could write a press release. Reynolds shot her hand up and began helping him with communications. When she was 16, the admiral was shipping out to war, leaving his post as director of public relations vacant. Reynolds said she was encouraged to fudge her age by a couple of years and apply for the position. She landed the job and went from making $10 a week to $100. For a short time, after much pleading, Reynolds went to work for the Charleston Post and Courier. Her first real assignment, covering a fire in a black housing community, went well, she thought, and landed on the front page. But in the story, Reynolds referred to an injured woman as “an elderly negro lady,” infuriating her editor, who invoked the n-word and said the woman was no lady. Reynolds walked out before she could be Reynolds married at 17 and stayed home with her son, Kenneth, writing stories for romance magazines to keep her foot in the door. She and her husband moved to Indiana for a short time before leaving for St. Petersburg, Florida, where she started a public relations agency at age 21. Work was steady when she heard about a job at the Naples Chamber of Commerce in 1952. At 27, she signed a contract with the Chamber for a paltry salary of $65 a week, with one catch: She told her bosses at the end of her first year, she wanted her salary to match half of the money she had raised. Reynolds’ supervisors agreed, thinking it was a great deal. But their new employee surprised them. By the end of her first year, Reynolds had sold $15,000 worth of memberships. She said her employer refused to pay up. She thought about suing but decided against it. Instead, she spent the next few years getting to know every businessperson in town, helping them write their brochures and promotional materials. She left the Chamber in 1956 and opened up her own PR agency, D. Reynolds Enterprises, with those same businesspeople as her clients. “I was everybody’s PR representative,” Reynolds said. “Living well is the best revenge.” While at the Chamber, Reynolds started publishing Naples Now, the area’s first magazine, with a guide to Marco Island soon following. Because the Collier County paper was not yet a daily, she penned a column on Naples social life for The Miami Herald called “Personally Speaking,” which she wrote for 12 years. One of Reynolds’ most memorable moments in journalism was a cover story in Naples Now, a magazine she owned for the better part of the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s. A group of nurses at Naples Community Hospital kept coming to her office, telling her about the terrible job conditions and saying they were overworked and underpaid. Reynolds put a writer on the story and recruited a model – “a real nice looking woman” – to wear a nurse’s outfit and boxing gloves for the cover. The headline, she recalls, read: “Even Angels Fight.” Reynolds said she was threatened by the head of the hospital, which didn’t much bother her. The nurses threatened to unionize and conditions improved. “I don’t know if my article changed it, but things got better,” she said. In 1986, Reynolds became a nationally syndicated travel writer, a role she maintained into the ‘90s. She continues to write a column for the Daily News called “Let’s Talk Food,” which she has authored for nearly 30 years. She has written two books and produced a four-part DVD about the history of Naples. “She has always been a fantastic writer but more importantly, a fantastic person,” said Maxine Ginsberg, a former home and real estate editor at the Daily News. “It’s impressive that a woman of her age, where others are drinking martinis on the veranda, she’s still accomplishing fabulous things.” Alan Horton, a former editor of the Daily News, said Reynolds has always had a knack for befriending powerful people. “Here was this little waif who came in from somewhere else and literally made something of herself in front of their eyes. And they admired that about her,” he said. Reynolds said the fact that she didn’t attend journalism school made her want to help college-bound students. “I never went to college and I never pretended otherwise. I managed to live a full, productive, happy life being self-educated,” she said. “(But) this is a different era. If you walk into a newspaper, the first thing they want to know is, ‘Where’d you get your degree?’” Reynolds calls journalism “one of the most exciting, challenging careers that you can have.” “There are a lot of careers where you can make more money,” she said, “but they’re not as fun as journalism.” Copyright 2014 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Print this article Back to Top A A A 5 SHARES SHARE ARTICLE
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 14:53:47 +0000

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