Fashioned to Fellowship (1 Corinth. 1:9, Philipp. 2:1-4) We - TopicsExpress


Fashioned to Fellowship (1 Corinth. 1:9, Philipp. 2:1-4) We often associate the term fellowship with going to church and socializing, eating good food together, praising the Lord together, etc. While these are all aspects of fellowship, this does not capture the true essence of fellowship. God wants us all to come together in oneness because it is in this collective classroom where he begins to show you how holy you really are, and how spiritually mature you really are. Some people can stay saved as long as they’re alone; but the moment you put them together with someone who they don’t like, someone who rubs them the wrong way, they’re unable to maintain the pretense of holiness. This is why people in the church are often stepping down from different auxiliaries in the church, because they haven’t learned how to fellowship the right way. True fellowship is when we all come together in unity, on one accord, to love each other, to serve each other, to submit to each other, to lift one another, to chastise one another, to grow with each other, to suffer together. Peter said he was in fellowship with Christ, but the moment that the true test came, Peter denied ever knowing Christ three times. Many of us want the fellowship of Christ without the fellowship of suffering. The best ship sailing is fellowship, not just for the socializing, but for the spiritual maturity that it brings us into. ~Bishop Larry Ray
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:23:25 +0000

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