Fast movie reviews: Godzilla, Cap, and Wind Rises Godzilla -- - TopicsExpress


Fast movie reviews: Godzilla, Cap, and Wind Rises Godzilla -- ** out of five. Twenty minutes of interesting mayhem padded with another hour-forty of boring exposition spouted by wooden actors who remain uneaten for the duration thanks to a far from daring script. While the titular monster is lovingly rendered, most of the rest of the CGI isnt. Captain America: Winter Soldier -- *** out of five, with one of those stars earned solely for the pleasure of getting to watch Robert Redford bite it. The unsubtle plot of SHIELD standing in as an allegory for the US allegedly rogue military and NSA needing dismantlement would have resonated ten years ago, but under a neutered Obama administrations dissolution, it simply comes off as absurd escapism. The Wind Rises (Kaze tachinu) -- *****. Acclaimed animator Hayao Miyazakis swan song is his most poignant. (Good luck finding it in a theater.)
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 22:29:00 +0000

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