Fat, good fats, bad fats, it can all get confusing?!?... This - TopicsExpress


Fat, good fats, bad fats, it can all get confusing?!?... This little piece will help explain the good, bad & ugly of fats:- Fats are a required nutrient by the body. Calories from good fats won’t make you fat. Eating too many calories of any kind (protein, carbs or fats) and not burning them off WILL results in fat gain. That being said, not all fats are created equal - and the majority of dietary fats are good, essential and healthy, but the others are bad and lead to disease and other problems in the body. The good versus the bad - How do you decide what’s what? What Is Dietary Fat Dietary fat is one of the main three macronutrients in the diet of which foods are formed and is going to be required for a wide number of major body processes. Many of the nutrients you need to sustain optimal functioning and life are found in dietary fats such as the fat soluble vitamins. Dietary fat is important for keeping your hormone levels where they need to be, for improving the look of your skin, hair, and nails, for providing a long term source of energy once your blood glucose runs out, and for also slowing the rate of digestion that takes place in the body, therefore warding off hunger as you go about your daily diet. Dietary fat is also integral for many of the cellular structures in the body, so skipping it would result in less than optimal body function and maintenance. Types Of Fat In Food. When looking at the types of fat, there are five main types: 1. Unsaturated. 2. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. 3. Saturated fats. 4. Essential fatty acids. 5. Trans fats. unsaturated fats and essential fatty acids are “good” fats that are a must-have in our daily diet. Trans fats are the ‘bad’ fats that should get the boot from your diet completely as they offer no health benefits and will only put you at a higher risk for experiencing disease such as cancer. Your key label-reading clue is the word ‘hydrogenated.’ If you ever see the words ‘partially hydrogenated vegetable oil’ on the label, you know that trans fats will be there. Dump that! Saturated fat, while it doesn’t need to be eliminated, should make up no more than 15% of your total daily fat content. This is simply because we get all the saturated fat we need indirectly through the various foods we eat in the day and it makes no sense to fill up the rest of our fat requirements with these when we could rather do so with the highly beneficial unsaturated fats. And when it comes to saturated fats, be sure to go coconut oil which is the BEST of its kind. The Optimal Lean Body Combination So what is the lean body combination of fats? You need a good mixture of mono and polyunsaturated fats and essential fatty acids. These fats in particular are highly advantageous for improving your body composition, so you’ll want to get them in. The top foods to focus on for these fats include nuts and natural nut butter, seeds, flaxseeds, fatty sources of fish, avocado, and olive oil. Add to the mix a tinge of healthy saturated fat such as coconut oil and voila…PERFECTION :) Just be sure to stay far away from trans fat and you should be perfectly fine. Source:- David Ruel
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 17:58:54 +0000

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