Father, I feel like my life is a failure. What do you say? I - TopicsExpress


Father, I feel like my life is a failure. What do you say? I don’t create failures. You have so much potential. Yet fear has held you back from really putting yourself out there. But I have set you free. My hand and My anointing is on your life. Therefore your life cannot be a failure. If I anointing a failure, then it cannot remain that way. As soon as I breath life on something it comes alive with activity and power. You have this life. And it is not your life. You have surrendered yourself to Me. Now it is My life you live for I live through and in you. You are learning that you now have the power to no longer choose fear. I have empowered you to choose strength. You are now capable of doing what you never could before. In the past you would overcome fear head on out of your own might, yet the fear would still remain in the background. You had not removed it, only hid it away. I have removed fear for you. I have put it outside your life. You are free to choose. Now you can choose to be love. You have been experimenting with this already and it terrifies the enemy. I was so proud of your question today. The purpose of your life is to respond to My love. I keep giving it so that you can keep being it. This is your life. Being My love. I delighted as you soaked in the truth that your life is hidden in Christ because He sowed His life to get you back. You can see the majesty of His love for you. And it moves you. Now you have the opportunity to be the display of His love to others. This is such a better life the just being prosperous. You are amazing Jason. I have made you this way because I love to show you off to the enemy. Thank you for choosing to live surrendered. Because you have chosen this I will put My Spirit mightily upon you and cause many to be amazed by My display of power through you. You are choosing well. I realize that you are struggling with the details of this choice, but not to worry. I will teach you what Jesus meant when He said that He only did what He saw of Me. You will learn to live this way. You will learn to live with your whole face consistently gazing upon Me. This is your ministry. For out of surrender, I will multiply you in this generation, till many, overly many, are living in your wake. For I will have a generation that knows My name and My covenant, and My nature. I desire to reveal Myself on the earth and I choose to use you as the catalyst to lasting revival among My people. You are one to carry a burning torch for My face. This love affair is the key to empowering people into the glory realm. You are carrying the torch for your generation and the generations that follow. For I call you forerunner and apostle to the nations. I will not leave My name void of power, and you know My name and carry it. I call you beloved of God, joy spring up to over flow. You will know the connection between joy and faith. You will discover how joy brings the overflow of glory and the passion of faith. I Am calling you into the deep things of My contentment. Here you will speak and the mountains will tremble at your rising. For I will shine forth in agreement with who I have released you to be. You will not tremble at the thought of Me, but will speak in My authority and cause the earth to shake at you steps. You know Me and that is your great privilege, for I can trust you to faithfully wear My glory and pass its secrets on to others. I love you Jason, and even now you are wearing My name. Blessing to you My son, My little king, for I have found you faithful with My name and My heart. I love you so much My little amen. My little Christ like one. You are so precious to Me. Go and continue to be Me on the earth and I will show you great and wonderful things. Love, you Papa
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 07:42:43 +0000

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