Fed a Great Horned Owl, two Opossums and a Gull. Helped get some - TopicsExpress


Fed a Great Horned Owl, two Opossums and a Gull. Helped get some fishing hooks out of another Gulls wing. Helped build a Hummingbird enclosure. Fed her. Watched her try and make friends with the three uber tiny baby hummers right next door. Helped settle 9 baby Opossums who lost their momma today. Fed some baby squirrels who then fell asleep in my arms. Tried to help another one who might not make it til tomorrow. Helped feed and medicate a Common Poorwill, (who hisses!) a Sanderling and another little guy who needed to be tube fed. Eye drops for a baby Burrowing Owl. Said good-bye to a Crow that some cretin shot. Helped make a meal for a coyote. Listened to the indignant squawks of a bunch of Elephant Seals - all day long. Checked on the now six Red Tails and the Coopers Hawk in residence. And, of course, laundry and dishes and laundry and dishes and laundry and dishes... ha! What a day...! Happy Spring! :)
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 08:04:04 +0000

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