Feel Free to Disagree—19 August, 2014 In a blog last week I - TopicsExpress


Feel Free to Disagree—19 August, 2014 In a blog last week I argued that the situation with ISIS in Iraq takes place in the context of Shi’a dominated Iranian ambitions for hegemony over the Middle East vs. the Sunni Arab nations’ ambition for the same. Just enough turns on the global demand for oil from this region, particularly by China and Africa, to imagine that peace will come if only oil were plentiful and cheap. Not so. Peace comes when the issue of who is in control is not in question. This is so in a marriage, in a junior high school classroom, in a corporate board room, in a nation, and from the beginning of the human race with who will be in control of the world. At this point in time, on a global scale the office of “Leader of the World” remains empty. Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, occupies an office with a title that approaches “Leader of the World”. The President of the United States holds the unofficial title of “Leader of the Free World.” It is no coincidence that the Secretary General of the United Nations can exercise no substantial sovereignty over the President of the United States. We hear much about Vladimir Putin in Russia invading Ukraine; much less about Russia joining with Brazil, China, India and South Africa to form their own world-bank to compete with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Control of the world’s supply of money is necessary for control of the world. But let us dig a little deeper from our starting point for today. The situation in the Middle East is in large part a religious war between Shi’a and Sunni Muslims. Neither really want Israel to exist. Take away control of the oil fields and Shi’as and Sunnis will still compete for hegemony as the Hindus do in India with Christians and Muslims. Is it vain to imagine a final solution to world peace with Muslims, Hindus, Jews and Christians living in peace and equality? Nothing would undermine Vladimir Putin’s comity with the Russian Orthodox Church faster than an outbreak of evangelical/charismatic Christianity in Russia such as we are seeing in Latin America, Africa and Asia. This outbreak is impacting the politics of the South faster and more profoundly than USA, Russian and Chinese foreign policy. Yes. We must follow the flow of military might. Will Iran get the bomb? We must follow the flow of money. Will Africa turn predominately to the USA and EU or will it turn to BRIC, South Africa and Kenya for its future? We must also follow the organized and disorganized religions of the world. The serious, concrete question at stake is who will inherit planet Earth?
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 12:29:03 +0000

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