Feeling Stagnant? 11 Reasons Holding You From Being - TopicsExpress


Feeling Stagnant? 11 Reasons Holding You From Being Successful Posted on March 24, 2014 at 2:54 pm Do you know why the odds of becoming a huge success is so low? Because it’s insanely tough. But at the same time, the changes you can make in your life to exponentially increase the odds are actually very simple. Simple, but not easy. It’s all in your mind. Are you ready to make major changes in your life? Let’s get to it. Here are the 11 reasons why you will never be successful in life. 1. You push off responsibility - Accept full responsibility for every single thing that happens in your life. Don’t blame others. Don’t blame circumstances. Don’t blame what you lack. And definitely don’t blame your luck. You will always have choices to make in every situation, and these choices will always have consequences. Take responsibility. Make the right choices, because they will either steer you that bit closer to your goals, or away from them. 2. You procrastinate - Understand the cost of being a procrastinator. It is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy. I don’t care what your reason for procrastinating is. The Law of Diminishing Intent states that if you don’t take action soon after the idea strikes you and the emotion is high, fairly soon the urgency starts to diminish. And the longer you wait, the less likely you will ever get the job done. Start off by making the decision to declare war on your procrastination devil. 3. You are a perfectionist- Perfection does not exist. It is only a great excuse not to get started. So stop waiting for the ideal moment or the ideal plan. It will never happen. If it does, something is bound to go haywire along the way. You just need to get started. Your dreams will never come to fruition if you are preparing and waiting around. They will if you apply and take massive action. 4. You are afraid of criticism - If you are going to be achieving anything great, expect tons of criticism and haters. Learn to handle them. Learn the kind of criticism you should accept and the kind that you should discard. Not all criticism is of use. You do not have to please everyone. 5. You are afraid of failure - Do things for success, but expect failure along the way. Failure is absolutely necessary. Failure is a life lesson designed to bring out the best in you. If you are too afraid to fail, then don’t start. It’s okay to have some fear, but don’t be too discouraged when you do fail. Because it’s not about how many times or how big you fall, it’s about how many times you’re willing to get up and try again. 6. You lack originality and creativity - If you are lazy, you do the same thing everyone else is doing. You need to be unique if you want to stand out as well. Be original and get those creative juices flowing. Dare to be different from the crowd. You can get ideas and inspiration from others. You can even copy to a certain extent. But in the end, be your authentic and genuine self. People are dying to see the unique you, and not another copycat. 7. You are ungrateful - Being grateful increases your level of happiness dramatically. You will be much better equipped to face life’s challenges when your natural state is full of joy, happiness, and gratitude. Happiness leads to success, and not the other way round. Start adopting an attitude of gratitude. 8. You fail to learn from your mistakes - Along the way, you’re going to make a ton of mistakes. Accept them with humility. Those are some free life lessons. Approach every mistake you make as a special learning experience sent to teach you something valuable and necessary for your success in the future. 9. You don’t believe in yourself - “He who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right” (Confucius). Drop all your self-limiting beliefs. If you want something with a strong enough passion, you will find ways to make the impossible happen. The only limits you ever set up for yourself are all in the mind. Change them. 10. You lack consistency - Consistency is crucial to your success. Develop the habit of showing up all the time, whether you feel like it or not. The pro doesn’t give himself excuses. He just gets the work done. Come up with a system for yourself and make sure you stick with it. Long-term consistency will always trump short-term intensity. 11. You have stopped growing - Successful people understand that they need to sharpen their skills all the time. They understand that once they stop, they will fall behind the competition. They’ve made the decision early in the game to become excellent and the top in their field. The moment you stop growing and learning is the moment you truly fail. That includes your personal development and all other areas of your life. Good luck, and to your success!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 12:23:12 +0000

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