Feeling it again today Im afraid, so no upload. Over the weekend I - TopicsExpress


Feeling it again today Im afraid, so no upload. Over the weekend I braved a comment on someones post I considered to be a long-term friend, over on my personal Facebook account. It was regarding UKIP, since this person was posting the familiar defamatory remarks about the party. Me being the fool that I am actually thought this person could be reasoned with, but what actually happened was the opposite; instead of being civil and considering the evidence I put forward in support of UKIP, the person began antagonising me. He acted like your typical leftist by attacking my sources dismissively, even though he provided none, including a couple of my own videos that I posted. Rather than at least being friend enough to compliment me on the four years of hard work I put into Rocking Philosophy, the person repeatedly feigned offence over silly things like mentioning the advantage he has with the UK being in the Eurozone, i.e. tax loopholes and free movement (he has been working abroad for six years). Another person who I also once considered a friend, then chimed in by filibustering on the thread with comments about Keynesianism, trying to suggest that lower taxation doesnt lead to increased tax revenue. I unadded this person a while back for this sort of thing. The whole sorry affair ended really badly given that the initial person who started the thread behaved like a condescending champagne socialist. He accused me of being a conspiracy theorist for disagreeing with the EU, dismissing everything as opinion, no matter what it was. Then he even quoted that evil little man Bernard Shaw, and accused me of trying to force my views on him. In reality one minute hed say this was a discussion, the next hed flip his lid because I had the facts on my side, and he couldnt handle that. Just as youd expect from a leftist, when faced with the truth he decided to attack my character and create straw-men instead. Its difficult to condense this whole affair briefly here. Admittedly, part of my exhaustion today is regarding my youngest daughter keeping me awake much of the weekend because she is very unwell, and having to drive around on a Saturday night to see an out of hours doctor. But most of all I feel saddened by how someone Ive known for so long can be so rude, just because I challenged his political views when he posted them in a public place, and openly asked people to discuss. By the end I was so annoyed that I gave him what for. Hes a token BS artist and a snob, a serial monogamist, and chases money from one country to the next, to support the lifestyle he blatantly cannot afford. Hes also an unreliable friend that uses people for his convenience. Will he be missed? No. But that doesnt change the fact that being anything other than a socialist is a lonely road, and were it not for my wife and children I honestly dont know where Id be today. I just feel like I need a break right now. It wont be more than a week, but I feel so exhausted at times, and this is one of those times. Thanks to all those that support me online. In many ways youre my lifeline to sanity.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 06:16:09 +0000

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