Fellow believers in Jesus our Lord. Learn the Word of God and the - TopicsExpress


Fellow believers in Jesus our Lord. Learn the Word of God and the devil will not be able to keep you in sickness and fear with his lies.. How do you know that are you are saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus, the anointed Messiah, who was raised from the dead in your place as your substitute. What does this mean to believe on? It means you understand that JESUS took YOUR place on the cross when you should have died for your own sin. Jesus Loved you...and Gave himself for YOU as an offering and a sacrifice TO GOD ( on your behalf). Ephesians 5:2. God accepted that offering as FINAL PAYMENT FOR ALL SIN. ALL SIN was PAID IN FULL for ALL people for ALL TIME AND ORDER OF MANKINDS HISTORY AND FUTURE BY THE BLODD OF JESUS. There is no other payment that can be made ever for sin. There is so much confusion today on this subject. Jesus will never again die on the cross for sin. He did it one time for all sin for ever person ever. Jesus Blood was the only payment God accepted because a man had to die, who had no sin in mankinds place. The only man without sin ever was Jesus. The devil torments Christians with fear that they are not forgiven. satan is a liar. lying is what he does. quit believing the devils lies and learn the Word believing what GOD said about you and Jesus and you will be free and forgiven. When the devil reminds you of your sin remind him of the blood of Jesus and this word of your testimony about the blood of Jesus will overcome the devil by your faith. \ Your Faith saves you because faith is saying: < I believe what God said Jesus did for ME> -I can do nothing to add to it-ever...Ephesians 2:8 & 9 not by my works..... not water baptism..... not keeping the law.... not anything you could ever do..... The very effort made to TRY to ADD to what JESUS DID for us by taking our place causes US to fall from depending on GODS Free Gift of Grace and makes us a stranger to Christ (Galatians 5:4- New International Version- You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.) we become strangers to CHRIST because by our own effort we begin to place our trust in ourselves, and our own actions instead of Jesus action performed for us in His death and resurrection! Galatians 5:1New International Version It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Grace now gives us the power to live Gods Word by walking in Love AS THE CHILDREN OF LIGHT. We do not obey to get to heaven. We obey because we love God for loving us. We are able to obey now that we are Born Again, because Gods love is shed abroad in our hearts through the anointing of Jesus, whose body we are- one with Him. WE GET BAPTIZED in water TO OBEY OUR LORDS COMMAND, AND TO GIVE TESTIMONY THAT WE BELEIVE ON THE BLOOD OF JESUS AS PAYMENT FOR OUR SIN. WE DO NOT GET BAPTIZED TO BECOME SAVED. Baptism IS an outward SYMBOL/testimony to the world of the work that has already happened inside our hearts when we became born again BY FAITH - taking what Jesus has done for us as our own to our own account by our confession. Romans 10:9 & 10.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:55:34 +0000

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