Fellow culture hackers, Ive been volunteering with the Omni - TopicsExpress


Fellow culture hackers, Ive been volunteering with the Omni Oakland Commons since its inception. The Omni Oakland Commons is comprised of several Bay Area collectives with a shared political vision—one that privileges a more equitable commoning of resources and meeting of human needs over private interests or corporate profit. We are currently in the last week of our crowdfunding campaign to raise the funds necessary to open our 22,000 square foot building to the public - and were really close to reaching our goal! The Omni Commons already hosts an array of organizations: hackerspace Sudo Room , citizen science laboratory Counter Culture Labs, food justice project Food Not Bombs, worker-owned cafe and bookstore La Commune, the Bay Area Public School free university, small press Timeless, Infinite Light and more, including a community print shop, a shared music studio, and a celluloid film processing lab. Please donate now, and share this message as far as you possibly can! Check out our campaign video for a virtual tour of this awesome space: https://omnicommons.org/donate We only need another $12,125! Thanks to the generosity of our community, we’ve received $40,000 in major donations plus $27,775 in grassroots funding through our crowdfunding campaign page. That means, together, we’ve raised $67,875--approaching our overall goal of $80,000. What does it mean to forge a commons? Everywhere on the planet, those spaces, places, and resources that we share and hold in common are being targeted and exploited for personal gain and corporate profit. It is up to all of us to preserve whatever commons we still have, and to forge new ones whenever possible. The Omni Commons has tremendous potential to become a critical community space. In order to ensure our doors can open, and remain open, we need your help today. https://omnicommons.org/donate Although it is an important one, fundraising isn’t our only goal. Our collective of collectives includes many veterans of the Occupy movement who have developed effective community building and organizing strategies based on shared values: the commoning of space and resources, liberation of knowledge, transformative justice, and solidarity with struggles against capitalism, racism, misogyny, and other forms of violence. To spread awareness of the potential for decentralized, people-powered community spaces like this to run autonomously, not only in the East Bay, but all around the world, is part of our long-term mission. As for Oakland specifically, where economic disparity and displacement have pushed long-time residents out of the area, we see a real need for projects that provide space and resources in a manner more befitting of the city’s radical history of creativity, cooperation and social justice organizing. Love and Solidarity, Jenny, on behalf of the Omni Commons Fundraising Working Group--
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 22:46:24 +0000

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