Fellow islanders... Richard, Amber, and Beth In the last few - TopicsExpress


Fellow islanders... Richard, Amber, and Beth In the last few weeks Ive met some amazing people, fellow FREEk Islanders. People who understand what its like to be on the outside looking in. Richard said goodbye to his wife of 47 years after a battle with cancer. He was emotionally and physically exhausted in the final weeks. He felt supported by his family and friends during the visitation, funeral and the days following. But about the time the flowers died, so did the visits. The kids had to go back to their homes and lives. Friends didnt invite him out to dinner like they once did. Going to church alone felt awkward. He told me he blames himself for holing up alone but he didnt know how to tell anyone how he was feeling...so he didnt. Its been five years. Amber messaged me after reading the first post. She had recently left her husband with her 3 year old daughter. None of her friends or family knew about his temper or the physical abuse. She has no job and only a temporary place to stay, but she doesnt want to go back. I asked her if she knew how to pray. She said it had been a long time, she didnt know how or what to say. She said she usually wrote in her journal to get it out. She was surprised to hear that a dude named David did the same thing and we call it the book of psalms. She felt like she could do that. She sent me one of her prayers...holy crap shes good. Her last message said shes crying less and writing more. Beth has a special needs child. She has always put on a brave face, but the years of dealing with his needs, adjusting his meds, and seeing the stares of other people when theyre in public have taken a toll. She trades weeks at church with her husband because they cant take their son. Friends are supportive, but as hard as they try they dont understand...how could they? She told me shes angry at God, but feels guilty for the anger. Nothing magical has happened since Ive talked to Richard, Amber or Beth, but they all said the same thing in their own way...it just feels good to be honest and talk to someone. I changed the names of the real people above but not the stories. Again, the paths to the island are many. More stories to come. If you have one to share, please do.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 01:01:34 +0000

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