Feng Shui and the transit of Saturn through the sign of - TopicsExpress


Feng Shui and the transit of Saturn through the sign of Sagittarius As the Sun is moving through the sign of Capricorn we are in the midst of a Full Moon energy in the opposite sign of Cancer. The energies of the Full Moon is heightened at this time also by its challenging relationships to the other planets and Nodes The Moon is the planetary ruler of Cancer so the themes of both are amplified. It seems pertinent then to discuss a theme intrinsic to these energies As both are associated with feelings, emotions and security, part of our attention, may turn to - do we feel secure in our physical space?. Do we feel nurtured, supported, and safe in the building? Do we feel this in ourselves, of which the building we live in will be a reflection? A significant planetary shift correlated to Feng Shui and the energy of buildings, for the upcoming next 2 - 3 Years is the transit of Saturn, after its journey through Scorpio, into the sign of the more expansive, questing sign of Sagittarius Intrinsic to Feng Shui is the study and understanding of ancient esoteric principles. Then the challenge is the relevant and coherent application to the manifestation of form, ie: to a building, the structure within which provides a sustainable and sacred space that harmonizes and supports us physically and psychologically Using the philosophy of Feng Shui, fundamentally we are translating a philosophy into form, translating an archetypal complex of energy into the structure of a building At present we now have a unique opportunity to deepen and expand our understanding of this complex and wonderful philosophy. Amidst the numerous challenging and complex astrological dynamics, on December 24, after its 2 and a bit year transit of Scorpio, the planet Saturn has transited into the sign of Sagittarius Saturn the planet that we associated with buildings, their design, form and structure, providing the structure and boundaries and sanctuary, within which we can feel safe and live sustainably Among many qualities Sagittarius represents the impulse to expand according to our higher aspiration, the impulse to philosophical expansion after the challenges, lessons and transformative journey of Scorpio When we put these 2 dynamics together, it translates as the challenge of the accurately and authentically manifest in form, higher philosophical principles. Over the last few years Feng Shui has seen the translation of many classical and traditional texts (Saturn). We can now begin to use this understanding and deep wisdom in our applications to the design and organization of a building. The transit of Saturn through the sign of Sagittarius for the next 2 ½ years will see the impulse to learn and expand our understanding of Feng Shui and other associated fields such as Sacred Geometry which is now getting more exposure. There will be new innovations and teachings, and clarity can emerge from the confusion. The challenge will be to stay grounded in authentic and ancestral principles and to make sense of the plethora of (often contradictory) information that is currently available Particularly relevant to this transit will be not just to see Feng Shui as a literal narrative (ie: the luck of the house) but as a psychological narrative - how does the house represent the psychological state of the occupants, and how can this information be used for deeper self understanding and empowering oneself in all personal challenges. At a fundamental level a building is an exact representation of the occupants. When we approach Feng Shui from this context, we begin to move from blame to responsibility, from causality to creativity.Instead of the interpretation - ‘my house brings me bad luck’, we shift to the house as a representation of ones psychological state. A house never brings ‘bad luck’ or bad fortune. If this is the case it is intrinsic to the psychological state of the occupant, of which the house, (as well as other manifestations in their lives) is a reflection. Only people attract ‘bad luck’. The building we attract is also an exact representation of our own psychological state. When we make changes at this level, when we address our internal state and psychological dynamics, then making adjustments in the external spaces of the building becomes more powerful. A critical way we can use the analysis of Feng Shui and building dynamics is to assist us in understanding ourselves, especially our challenges or what we can refer to as our ‘shadow’ material. It’s interesting that we often attract our shadow material in the building we are in. The Australian Academy of Feng Shui teaches its Feng Shui programs from this context. 2015 sees the 14th Year the courses are offered in Melbourne and Sydney. We begin with free introduction in both states where the Academy’s approach is outlined, many examples of buildings and their relevant dynamics are presented, and participants have to opportunity for questions. Please contact us, or refer to our website for more details
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 23:58:30 +0000

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