Ferguson thoughts. What the hell has happened with this - TopicsExpress


Ferguson thoughts. What the hell has happened with this country? I feel nothing but shame and anger towards my country that this policemans life was ruined because of his race - and for no other reason (you know as well as I). Officer Darren Wilson, a good man by all accounts (and awards) out earning a living, serving his community tried nothing more than to enforce the law. In his duty he was sworn to uphold he winds up severely beaten and will probably lose sight in his eye, took multiple massive facial hits from this 300lb thugs fists. He nearly gets his gun taken away during the savage beating (remember he was pushed onto his back into his car and would surely have lost footing from the door sill) which is why he lost control of the situation. Wilson endures the vicious face pounding attack, somehow maintaining consciousness then while the two are struggling over his gun - the gun goes off, spooks the thug making him back off and turn tail momentarily. Then after the thug realizes he wasnt hit, like a bad B movie the creature comes back at him again, this time daring, taunting Darren to shoot him (all this according to witnesses BTW). Up until this point in this thugs life everyone has backed down from his brute strength and over bearing size (he just taught a little Indian store clerk a lesson in whose boss). But Darren Wilson even though most likely dazed from the assault and probably only able to see out of one eye probably knew that he was about to die if this attacker gets his gun this time. Going by evidence and credible witnesses Brown goes charging at him like a football player right arm out, forearm blocking, head tucked down to shield himself from bullets (which explains the hits perfectly) he raged towards the man who dared to confront him. By the grace of God the thug drops 3 feet in front of him after 6 shots - finally. Its over. Back-up is the way. Darren is lucky to be alive and would have surely been executed by the monster had his weapon got away from him...even though mistakes were made the good guy won out. He survives all that.... But of course that was only the beginning of the horror story. Within minutes he gets thrown to an angry mob by a professional media before he even gets medical treatment as soon as they find out both players races. He was going to be the latest example made by a gleeful media. These journalists immediately went on the attack. Even a sitting United States President a couple of days later condemned *him* (not his criminal attacker) as they released his personal info and even tried to suppress video evidence that led up to the brutal attack, evidence that may have helped his case being tried in the media. This professional news media even goes as far as to draw a map as to his home for the rioting mob they incited, forcing him go into hiding. So while beaten, bleeding, bruised and in need of surgery he must now pick up and run in the dead of night, forced once again to worry about his lifes fate...all this for serving his community and defending his own life. Why? Because of the color of his skin. His life was to be used, sacrificed on the altar of the anti-racism mantra (media code for anti-white race hate used exclusively against whites only). He was to be used as the latest poster boy for the medias race hysteria that has been pounded into the nation in recent years. Just the latest life to be ruined by a hate filled media for having been born his skin color. Meanwhile, this lifelong bully, thug, drug abuser, strong armed thief and all round piece of human shit that had made nothing but bad decisions in life, he is put on a pedestal, victim labeled as a baby, a child, an unarmed teen by our national media because of the color of his skin and for no other reason. (Had this been a white meth head this story would not even be page 23 news, so you cant tell me otherwise). The accomplice that was with him during the robbery, the one he handed the stolen cigars to, he was the witness that saw the poor child reaching for the sky begging for his life as he was executed for no reason as we were to believe. All other dozen or so witnesses with no relationship to either party said otherwise, backing the cops account of what took place. But our news media and journalists decided to ignore those non inflammatory witnesses in order to incite rioting and further their agenda. In any other time any other universe this poor hero cop should be getting metals and ribbons for his service and sacrifice from his president. Instead he gets sacrificed to further a social agenda. End of rant...for now.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 12:28:26 +0000

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