Fighting Back: Episode 28 His eyes were closed and his head was - TopicsExpress


Fighting Back: Episode 28 His eyes were closed and his head was buried in both palms. The Doctor glanced at Ethel after checking her blood pressure. Mr Franklin, she is going to be alright. Seems like that is going to take forever. Ethel looked up. The Doctor sat. The injuries, surgery, the shock that led her to be unconscious is a major constituent of the delay. Dont …please dont …dont take me back. Hester swing her head from left to right. I dont want to go back to him …kill me …pull the trigger …dont take me back to him. Her eyes didnt open and tears rolled down her cheeks. The doctor stood and placed a palm on her forehead. Ethel shook his head sadly. I understand what youre talking about. She will slowly come around. Ethel stood, head for the balcony and stared out blankly. **** Ethel was down on his knees in his bedroom. Tears flowed down his face. Sometimes dear God …its all difficult … He sobbed.The pain, the loss, the depression, loneliness, dear Lord in heaven, I dont know how to move on …please help me, heal my broken heart …lead me. Let your grace and your healing virtue be sufficient for Hester. I dont know what she is passing through but you know it all …please help her come back alive. His heart was heavy. **** She lifted her hand and rubbed her eyes. Hester blinked severally. Do I put out the light? Do you have headache? Im fine. Hester looked at the doctor, she looked at her side and saw the infusion hung up. She looked at her other side and saw him. Hello Hester . Ethel smiled. It all came back to her. How long has it been...? She attempted to sit up, because she felt weak, she mustered energy. Ooooow! She exclaimed and fell back. She held her side. The doctor was beside her. Take it easy dear. She closed her eyes and bit her lower lips in pain. What …what happened to me? You were operated upon. The doctor said. She remembered and her eyes welled with tears. She turned to look at Ethel. Where is Osaz? Not knowing if she was in the best state of mind for his reply, he looked at the Doctor for help. He nodded. Osaz has been buried. His voice was calm. Her tears came down and her lips quivered. Im sorry Ethel..., I didnt mean … No Hester. Ethel took her hand in his. I saw the note and I understand. Youre in no position to cry. Please dont … She sobbed. Hester please, its all okay. Stop crying … When she didnt stop, the doctor fetched a syringe. What is that? Hester took in the action of the doctor. It will help you relax. I want triple. Triple is an extreme dose. The doctor was taken aback. Triple is deadly. She corrected his mild grammar. That is exactly what I need. I thought I would never open my eyes to this world again … Come on Hester please … Ethel pleaded knowing the doctor was a bit hesitant. If you cant give me triple, dont give me at all. With that, she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep. **** Wale gave her water. Thank you. Hester smiled. I am tired of counting the number of devices in this room. Can you tell me something I can do which will be informative? Let me see … He drawled thoughtfully. Do you like to read? I love to read. Okay then. He beamed. Ill get you a book that will give you a unique view of Nigeria roads, title -Nigeria roads. I will really appreciate that, thanks Wale. She was seated on the bed, colour was slowly returning to her face. I dont think I have a copy of that book in my library. Ethel was at the door. No Sir, its one of my personal collection. He replied. Excuse me. He left the room. You look better. Ethel observed as he entered inside and loosened his tie. Oh. She Sipped water.I have been laughing all day, Wale told me series of comedies, jungle stories, adventures and every song that came with it. Ethel lowered himself to a sofa after he had collected a bottle of water from the fridge. So you feel better? I am better. Hester smiled. How was your day? It was okay, the press conference went perfect. He replied and removed his blazer. Its going to be shown on TV? It was broadcasted live and will be shown repeatedly on various news bulletin. He glanced at the TV in the room.Remember that is not a proudly Nigerian TV station. I know. She laughed. Her phone rang. It was closer to him. He look at the screen. That is Vanessa, she called everyday during the period you were unconscious. He head in her direction and gave her the phone. I wonder the kind of bond you formed within four days. Hester only smiled and she picked the call and activated the loudspeaker. Episode 29 @9pm
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 19:32:27 +0000

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