Final offerings.... Yesterday was the last (13th) day of - TopicsExpress


Final offerings.... Yesterday was the last (13th) day of shraddha for my late wife, Rekha. Although an Assamese, besides falling in love with a Manipuri IAF officer, she also fell in love with eromba and sinju besides several other lesser known ethnic Manipuri dishes that she got introduced to from my mother, relatives and friends. She invariably included them in the menu for our parties that had guests from different states with much varied food habits and palates. I would express my doubts but she never had any. She would put her heart and soul into preparing them. Fish would be integral. She was a wonderful and generous host and we would savour the moments after the satisfied guests left. She ensured all non-vegetarian guests tasted the ethnic delicacies at least once. Many got addicted and would come back for more. I would chuckle on seeing some of our north and south Indian guests lapping it up. Such was her passion in promoting them. For her final offerings, my mother made few of the Manipuri dishes and our daughter-in-law Swarnali made few of the Assamese ethnic dishes. These were offered alongside her other favorites including various preparations of fish. We will all miss among so many other things, her lovely preparations. Children will especially miss some of their favorite dishes that only their mother could make in her unique ways. The posted pictures are a celebration of life and of our cuisine, an offering that am sure pleases the souls even in their afterlife.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 05:02:44 +0000

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