Finally, I have an explanation of what I do metaphysically, in - TopicsExpress


Finally, I have an explanation of what I do metaphysically, in astrological terms my Solar Eclipse is in Cancer; this is what the book Spiritual Astrology by Jan Spillar and Karen McCoy has to say about those with a Cancer Solar Eclipse: You are teaching people to understand, deal with, and express emotions, and how to feel. You are a healer who affects the emotional body of those around you. This helps those you aid to feel more stable and secure in dealing with their feelings. You tend to draw to you those who don’t understand their emotional problems because they are too connected to the external world. When confronted with problems on the emotional level, these people don’t know how to react. Often you unknowingly heal others by taking on the negativity of their emotional upsets. You have the ability to heal their emotions through absorbing the negativity into yourself, dissipating it, and then releasing the healed energy back into the universe. As a natural healer you heal the emotions and the soul. You lighten people’s hearts; giving them a shoulder to cry on which relieves their emotional block, allowing the natural balance of their emotional body to emerge. The convenant that you have made with the universe is to relieve your fellow beings of their emotional burdens and upsets. To facilitate this process the universe has granted you the gift of being able to release this negativity back into the universe. The universe has promised to relieve your emotional burdens in return. You don’t need anyone else to process them for you because as you take on and release the emotional burdens of others your own emotional burdens are released too. You tend naturally to attract status quo, business-oriented, reputation-minded, “stiff upper lip” people since these individuals are “unable to “throw away” anything, even their own negativity, and thus need a “receptacle” in which to deposit their emotional hurts. Due to their business orientation they naturally need everything to have a usefulness to it, and consequently they want even their emotional wounds transformed into something positive. You can facilitate this process. It is important for you to recognize and respect the pattern with which those you help are resonating. These are people with an accumulation consciousness, and they have difficulty realizing that the accumulation of emotional debris is a negative process. They must deposit their negative emotions somewhere, so they gravitate to you. It is your job to accept with maternal understanding the negativity of others and then to allow that negativity to be dispersed into the universe. You must avoid falling into the trap of self-pity by not appropriately understanding the importance of your role in the universe. You are not supposed to become overly involved in the emotional lessons of those you help but rather allow yourself to receive their burdens, share your empathy, and get on with your own life. If you focus on people “dumping” on you instead of on the gift they are sharing, you can become an actual garbage pail instead of an emotional recycling plant. The universe gave you the job of listening to the emotional ills of others because you have the capacity to release emotional pain—both your own and that of other people. As you serve your universal function you are rewarded by being allowed to “experienced an incredible depth of closeness with many other people. The emotional support you provide is extremely important. If others do not find a way to release their emotional debris, they walk through life emotionally constipated and entirely shut off their feelings. There is no room for their emotions to flow because they have created blockages, so they become cold, calculating, and very unemotional. You relieve these blocks in others, thereby restoring their capacity to feel. You can heal the emotional imbalance in others and simultaneously keep your own emotional flow active by reaching out to share. There is a nurturing energy surrounding you that automatically relaxes other people and makes them feel comfortable. You project the serenity of a calm lake as you become “accustomed to your path and willingly take on the role of assisting others in emotional purification. On a spiritual level you are known as Earth Mothers and Earth Fathers. You were born with a high degree of emotional sensitivity and need to form behavior patterns that keep your sensitivity in a positive mode. If you are unwilling to share the gift of your sensitivity with others, you may close down and become overly sensitive on a personal level. This can lead to defensive, emotionally exaggerated responses that keep you from the closeness with others that is your birthright. Learning how to channel your own emotionally sensitivity is very important. When you are helping those who are emotionally out of balance, you can usually process their emotional negativity properly. But you “sometimes have a tendency to take others’ upsets personally. This happens when you absorb the negativity into your body before the other person asks for emotional assistance. Sometimes you do not give people a chance to become comfortable and sort out their own emotions before you intervene and try to resolve their upsets for them. They feel this to be an invasion of emotional privacy. You must learn to be more aware of whether those close to you are truly in need of and are seeking your assistance. When you violate the freedom of others to process their emotions, it leads to situations where you feel defensive and your feelings get hurt. Because you are an emotional healer, you will attract people who are not in touch with their emotions. They need time to process their emotional entanglements. If you try to pull out their negative emotions before they have finished processing and are ready to release the feelings, you pull to yourself more pain than is necessary. You need to allow others the privacy of their emotions before you go in and try to yank them out; you are a receptacle, not an emotional surgeon. Other people may “deposit” their negativity, but you don’t have the right to “withdraw” it from them. You must also be wary of allowing your feelings for others to interfere with your own process—your personal integrity in knowing what is right and wrong action. When you allow yourself to feed or overlook wrong action in those you are trying to help because you have no emotional bond with them, you end up retaining their negativity within your own being. On a physical level you may have a tendency to retain water; at other times, people will simply dump their negativity. You must absorb the impact and then respond with your own true feelings about the situation. It is your responsibilty to be yourself, to express your feelings and natural responses regardless of what you anticipate the negative or hurtful reaction of other people will be. You need to absorb their negativity without feeling responsible for the distresses that people go through in their lives. Keeping this perspective allows you to maintain your own ethics, truly helping others to heal their emotions. It also helps you to prevent your own emotional attachments from getting in the way of the healing process. You need to remember that when other people are going through personal suffering, it is simply the universe’s way of waking them up and putting them back into alignment with their true purpose.” Excerpt From: Jan Spiller & Karen McCoy. “Spiritual Astrology.” Simon & Schuster, 1985. iBooks. It is difficult explaining what I do in my work to others, especially the bit about the water and my body size, I should have the above put on a card and give it to people. If you are looking to find your spiritual purpose, you could nothing finer than purchase it, it is available as an e-book, it is the best book I have ever bought!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 09:07:01 +0000

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