Finally back from an incredible Games week. The Masters - TopicsExpress


Finally back from an incredible Games week. The Masters Competition was such a great experience and I learned so much to take into next year’s training. Going into this my attitude was just get through it without getting hurt. Not having been able to train for it was not ideal, and I was just hoping to not come in last place. So, wasn’t really feeling any pressure except maybe to have one good event if something that suited me came up (to make it fun for my amazing CrossFit VIM cheering section). I had some really fun events and some that were just plain ugly, but it’s the ugly ones you learn from, right? The biggest things I realized competitively were the need to work on my visualization and the need to be better prepared mentally to adapt to adverse conditions on the field. Now for the important stuff--- My VIM support crew was off the hook, it was so energizing to have so many people make the trip out and sit in the burning sun for 3 days to encourage me to exercise harder ;) I had a free flight (thanks Matt), the cash raised by all of you and the awesome tshirts made (thanks Christy and Dan), equipment provided (thanks Melissa, Luis, Mei), bodywork to keep me moving (thanks Karla), my equipment bags schlepped and wound dressing (thanks Jenn), strategy and pacing suggestions (thanks Michael), and everybody there just being overall great supporters and so helpful during the event (thanks Amy, Zach, Ben, Kelly, Courtney, Alex, Jodie, Sammie) and finally my amazing husband who set a PR of 3 days spectating a CrossFit event and got a horrible sunburn just to be there for me (thanks Jack). And of course there’s everybody watching from home and cheering for me online, you have all made this such an incredible experience. Each and every one of you at VIM are awesome people and appreciated and I can’t begin to thank you all enough. I’m so grateful to be a part of this fantastic community. Thank you!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 14:07:35 +0000

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