Finally, the Energy Revolution Theory is here. Internal combustion - TopicsExpress


Finally, the Energy Revolution Theory is here. Internal combustion engines of cars have a cycle of force being strong, weak, strong, weak due to infrequent combustion cycles. That is the error if they have such cycles. They should have no ups and downs of overall strength(force) of the engine. It(the engine) should be at the designated top force at all times with no ups and downs of overall force of the engine. Maybe it takes 8 cylinders or more working in perfectly paced and frequent(more so than older engines) turns of the cylinders so it achieves the constancy of strengths(forces) of engine. Then, itll be a much more efficient engine. Basically, you want to keep the friction within the engine to the minimum by maintaining overall force of the engine constant. Whenever you use cylinders to make the ups of strength(or force) you are going against the friction and downs lose force so you lose energy. (Energy maintained at a constant level is the smoothest energy.) Less amount of additions of force means less friction. Now, how it works; you reach your designated force you want to maintain by hard-working the engines, then, you make sure it stays at that force exactly always with cylinders working in perfectly exact and frequent-enough turns. So when the overall force of the engine is constant you just need to worry about stepping on the accelerator more steadily so force of the car is maintained also. Its efficient to keep a car without ups and downs of force also. Going up and down with the force(accelerator) causing extra frictions with the road with speed climbs will cost energy. (Well, nobody does it really unless theyre sleepy and they need to go faster, slower, faster, slower.) At the designated top force your cylinders can rest easy. They dont need to add much force to maintain the designated force as the friction is minimum when ups and downs of force are gone leaving a flat line of smoothness of force only. Static and kinetic frictions are always added when you increase force and only by maintaining same amount of force always you leave out the need for frictions-overcoming extra energy filling up the downs with the costly ups. Thus, your acceleration from the engine is maintained and you dont need to add more force to the engine just about at any time. The engine is energy itself, steady and strong; flowing and rather calm. New economic speeds for the car might be there. So, once you get the force up to the designated one you will need little energy to keep the engine running, with cylinders gently nudging on and easily running at the force you chose.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 21:55:31 +0000

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