Finally this makes perfect sense.. Prediction On The Political - TopicsExpress


Finally this makes perfect sense.. Prediction On The Political Leadership Relay. THE BATON CHANGE.... By Donald Roberts Satirical Commentary: Looking at the Political Leadership Relay, the finishing this time around is bound to be astonishing by all indications. Mostly rated by pundits and spectators, is the anchor of the relay who could be the greatest sprinter in Sierra Leone politics. This anchor has flare for dynamics and is no stranger in beating the odds right to the finish line. He is an enviable, discipline tactician, with great pace in strides and mental toughness. The spectators love him and they go agog just seeing him doing warm ups. Critics are now slating him to set a new national record and personal best for the people of Sierra Leone. Starting the relay was a very young, strong, healthy Julius Maada Bio; a man known for his agility and a promising political athletic career. As a starter on the relay, JMB is known to be fast and very good at maneuvering curves. In his insatiable need for speed, he got on a wrong start and pulled a hamstring causing severe injury on January, 1996 when he ousted his boss and leader Captain Valentine Strasser in a palace coup. He tried to run a good race during his 3 months in power and after but the hamstring problem has been a drag to his full potential. He suffered a severe torn muscle later diagnosed as a grade 3 tear. As a determined political athlete, JMB refused to give up and ran through his lap even with impaired function. While stumbling, he handed the BATON CHANGE to the Late Ahmad Tejan Kabba. The second leg was quite a challenge for the Late Ahmad Tejan Kabba. ATK was known as one of the finest sprinters who have consistently ran an impressive race. ATK was able to cover and make up quite a distance based on his solid impressive 100 meters dash time. His brilliant and fantastic run started to set the stage for a poised receiver to build on his gain. Waiting on the 3rd leg was President Ernest Bai Koroma, anxiously waiting for the BATON CHANGE as the spectators scream World Best, World Best. He is known to be the best at running on turns, as a result he was appropriately stationed to run the 3rd lap. (Dont even mistake to interpret 3rd lap for 3rd term). The BATON CHANGE was seamless; straight from the hands of the Late ATK to the wide firm grip of EBK. As the spectators continue to scream for World Best to pull it through, the excitement grows wild in anticipation of seeing the amazing anchor reach for the BATON. This anchor consistently wins every race he had ran and has the fastest 100 meters time. Fast forward 2017/18, the spectators are on tenterhooks right on the edge of their sits, with camera flash bulbs capturing every flex and stretch position of the anchor man. Folks stood amazed at his grace and dexterity, while impatiently waiting for him to deliver for our beloved nation. In his usual aplomb state, Its all smiles for Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella the anchor and finisher, as he flexes his muscle anxiously waiting to receive the BBC (BEST BATON CHANGE) to dramatically finish this relay, putting Sierra Leone on the map of record development. Pundits have started talking about the pedigree of this finisher KKY; using adjectives to describe him as SPECTACULAR, AMAZING, SMART, EXCITING, COMPELLING LEADER, CHARISMATIC, VISIONARY and his ability of running the MOST ASTONISHING race. 2017/18 is certainly poised to see the most astonishing political finish in all Presidential race in Sierra Leone. Lets continue to pray for the successful finish of Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella and remember the Fine Starter Sprinter JMB as he continues to heal his severe hamstring condition. Sadly, pundits are beginning to speculate that the Fine Starter Sprinter JMB will not recover soon from the injury to be in true form and shape for a strong competitive race. Will he be able to make a come back? Thats anyones guess. Speculators are concerned that he might insist in reemerging because of his strong competitive spirit and love for the sport and lime light. The general consensus and reservation within political sport medicine practitioners is, this will spell disaster and might inflict further massive grade 3 tear to the already severely torn muscle causing more agonizing pain and torture for him including the nation. A relay team always have at least 2 extra sprinters in case of these situation to readily replace one that could not perform at a given time. The general sentiment of AFTER JMB NAR JMB doesnt seem to augur well and political experts are saying, it will not work and never in the best interest to deliver for the team and nation. The Starter Sprinter JMB service and contribution in true partnership on the political relay will always be remembered and appreciated. He did ran a good race. Some folks are even suggesting as a concession to induct him in the Political Athletic Hall of Fame, while others are advocating his appointment to lead as Chairman and Administrative Head of the once defunct Political Affairs Organization of Presidential Athletes (PAOPA). From my perspective, the Hall of Fame befits retiree who have been acclaimed as outstanding but not JMB, because he still has sparks and who knows he could recover way down the line after this competitive 2017/18 season to make an impressive come back. With unanimous consent; I humbly rise to nominate the all best Political Starting Sprinter JMB as Executive Chairman and Head of Administration to the office of Political Affairs Organization of Presidential Athletes (PAOPA). With a seconder to the motion, the proposal will be considered as agreed upon and pass. With this I say LEH WE DAE GO NORMOR...
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 13:54:56 +0000

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