Find ur Nail & Know ur Health When healthy fingernails begin to - TopicsExpress


Find ur Nail & Know ur Health When healthy fingernails begin to change color or texture, one of the most common underlying causes is nail fungus, which can cause the nails to crack, peel, and change color and texture. Common disorders like thyroid disease can also cause abnormalities in the toenail and fingernail beds, often producing dry brittle nails that crack and split easily. Nail condition and color changes are rarely the first clue of serious illness. In most instances, patients will manifest other signs or symptoms of disease before nail changes become evident. Nail color can be grouped into black, blue, brown/copper, green, blue-green, grey, yellow, pale, purple or red groups, and each color means something different. Blue nails May be indicative of pulmonary obstruction, emphysema or lung disease. Blue fingernails may represent a type of cyanosis caused by a lower level of lack of circulating oxygen in the red blood cells. It may also represent a high level of an abnormal form of hemoglobin in the circulation. If normal color returns upon warming and/or massage, the cause is due to the body part not getting enough blood supply due to cold, constriction (of the tissues or the blood vessels that supply the tissues) or some other reason. If the fingernails remain blue, then there may be an underlying disease or structural abnormality interfering with the body’s ability to deliver oxygenated red blood to the body. Black nails Black fingernails can indicate signs of Anemia, B-12 deficiency, bacterial infection, chronic kidney disease, adrenal gland problems, liver disease, cancer or melanomas, silver deposits (heavy metals), trauma. White fingernails May be indicative of kidney or liver disorders or anemia. White lined bands across the nail beds can signal a protein deficiency. White spots on nails In most cases this is due to a zinc deficiency or injuries to the nail bed. It can however also be indicative of certain internal problems such as arthritis, or from poisoning. Although it has been noted that white lines can be symptoms of a serious disorder, their presence is more than likely a result of iron or zinc deficiency. White areas under nails When there are white areas visible under the nail, normally at the tip of the nail where it joins the nail bed, this normally indicates a fungal infection and must be treated medically. Half white nails, with dark spots, especially on the tip, may be indicative of kidney diseases. Grey nails Can suggest arthritis problems, edema, malnutrition, post-operative effects, glaucoma, lung problems, emphysema, cardio-pulmonary disease. Green nails Can be caused by allergies to cleaning agents, Bacterial infection such as Bacillus infection, localized fungal infection, and serious emphysema. Yellow nails Can be indicative of problems with the lymphatic system, respiratory disorders, diabetes or liver. Yellow discoloration in your fingernails may result from a respiratory condition, such as chronic bronchitis, or from swelling of your hands (lymphedema). In yellow nail syndrome, nails thicken and new growth slows, resulting in discoloration. Nails affected with this condition may lack a cuticle and may detach from the nail bed in places. Purple nails Oxygen deprivation, circulatory problems, congenital problems. Red fingernails Possible Brain hemorrhage, heart disease, high blood pressure, lung disease, stroke, carbon monoxide poisoning. Darkening of nails (on the sides) This may be indicative of kidney disease. Lines (red or brown) Splinter hemorrhage shows up as red or brown lines along the long axis of the nail and may be caused by endocarditis (an inflammation of the heart membranes) or trichinosis (a parasitic infection from undercooked pork). A simple dark blue line in the fingernail can be a sign of skin cancer. Tiny black streaks can indicate a possible heart problem, and thin black lines on the nail often indicate a heart disease. Brown spots under nails Pitted brown spots in fingernails may indicate a skin and joint disorder called psoriasis. Reddish-brown spots can indicate a deficiency of folic acid, protein or vitamin C. Color bands In Caucasian people, color bands under the nail may indicate cancer, while in non-Caucasian people it is usually a normal occurrence. Tips to maintain healthy fingernails, avoid infections, and improve nail appearance: * Keep your nails clean and dry. * Avoid nail-biting or picking. * Avoid nail polish removers that contain acetone or formaldehyde. * Bring your own instruments if you get frequent manicures. * File your nails in one direction and round the tip slightly, rather than filing to a point. * Dont remove the cuticles or clean too deeply under your nails, which can lead to infection. * If you have artificial nails, check regularly for green discoloration (a sign of bacterial infection). * Eat a balanced diet and take vitamins containing biotin. * Apply moisturizer to your nails and cuticles every day. Creams with urea, phospholipids, or lactic acid can help prevent cracking. * Dont dig out ingrown toenails. See a dermatologist if they become bothersome. Dermatologists are well-trained in deciphering between innocuous and serious nail conditions, as well as determining when a nail color change requires further testing. Please note - this information regarding your nail color mirroring your general health, is provided for information purposes only, and should NOT be used to diagnose or treat any illness. If in doubt regarding your health, please consult your doctor. or call me - Have a Happy health - Acupuncture Dr Nazir – 9789908903-
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 21:57:16 +0000

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