Fiona has learned to run. This is big for her! Seriously, think - TopicsExpress


Fiona has learned to run. This is big for her! Seriously, think about it. Fiona is around 12 yrs old. Blind and deaf and had lived in a cage. When she first came to us, shed turn in circles, round and round and round.... Then she learned to walk a 12 foot section of the house. Back and forth. Then she learned where things were and started gingerly trucking through the house. Room to room. One day she got behind the stove and couldnt figure out how to get out. I was right with her just needed her to feel her way around and gain confidence. We eventually went out side. Surely, yall have seen those video of the cats with tape someone has placed on their feet. Once placed on the floor the cat will use very determined upward movements to get their paws unstuck. This is exactly how Fi walked on dirt, regular non-sticky dirt. It was super cute but super sad. Today while out pottying she takes off RUNNING! Head back. Little weird unfamiliar movements and she didnt slow down. Even now, she is running a path from her bed to the bedroom door. Fi. Awesome.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 03:35:08 +0000

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