Fire Detox Cupping Therapy and Massage “FALL - TopicsExpress


Fire Detox Cupping Therapy and Massage “FALL SPECIAL” Cupping therapy has been adapted for use from a form of traditional Chinese medicine. This type of therapy uses fire glass or plastic cups applied to the skin to help relieve pain, flush out toxins, and restore healthy blood flow to the body. Using heat or a suction pump, a vacuum is created inside of each cup. These cups are then placed on various acupuncture points throughout the body and head. Cupping is an extremely beneficial therapy, which gives a person a feeling of flexibility and lightness. It is a painless, safe and inexpensive therapy. Some of the benefits of cupping include: 1. Improves blood circulation 2. Improves flexibility 3. Promotes energy flow 4. Loosens tight muscles 5. Stimulates digestive system and nervous system 6. Clears colon blockages 7. Causes the tissues to release toxins 8. Activates the skin, veins, arteries and capillaries 9. Activates the lymphatic system The conditions that can be treated by cupping include: 1. Insomnia , 2. Stomachaches Colds & Influenza, 3. Migraines, headaches, Arthritis, 4. Intestinal disorders, Hemorrhoids, Sciatica, Rheumatism, 5. Depression, Anxiety & insomnia, 6. Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 7. Muscular-skeletal problems: pain, Spasms, cramps, tightness, numbness, stiffness of the back and neck 8. Chronic gastric pain, Vertigo, High blood pressure, 9. Menopausal discomforts, 10. Respiratory disorders like bronchitis and asthma 11. Gastric disorders like diarrhea, 12. Constipation, Intestinal disorders. 13. Gallbladder disorders or Disorders Liver disorders. Wasaga Wholistic Mobile Service Body, Mind and Spirit Connection Email:linda@wasagawholistic Office Phone: 705-446-6409
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 16:16:10 +0000

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