Firefighters working with ambulance officers would save lives, - TopicsExpress


Firefighters working with ambulance officers would save lives, experts say - December 14, 2014, The Sydney Morning Herald by James Robertson A plan to have firefighters help the ambulance service respond to critically injured patient in Sydney has been shelved by the Baird government over pay demands, despite medical experts saying it would save lives. Under the proposal, firefighters would be sent as a stopgap when paramedics are delayed from reaching the most critically injured patients within a benchmark of eight minutes. They would resuscitate patients, clear their airways or treat those in cardiac arrest with defibrillators only until paramedics arrived. Its a no-brainer, said professor Chris Semsarian, a cardiologist from the University of Sydney. Every minute is vital when it comes to a cardiac arrest and the only thing that can save a persons life is an electric shock. The Health Minister first ordered the government investigate the idea in 2012 as part of a plan to lower ambulance response times. But nothing has been said publicly since. Documents obtained by The Sun-Herald under freedom-of-information law show plans for the policy are far advanced, but the government has shelved the idea because it has been unable to negotiate a pay deal with firefighters. The logic behind the proposal is that firefighters carry defibrillators and respond faster than paramedics. Ambulances take 10.8 minutes to reach half of all emergency cases in Sydney. Firefighters are more than three minutes quicker. When measured against the time taken for 90 per cent of cases, Sydneys ambulance response times are the worst of any Australian city, according to the Productivity Commission. While demand for ambulances is growing steadily, calls to firefighters fell about 3 per cent between 2010 and 2011. The proposal to adopt the program went to cabinet last year, but a request for funding was blocked. A third round of negotiations for a trial of the program collapsed about two months ago. The plans closely match a model used in Melbourne for more than a decade. Similar systems are in place in the US, Canada and New Zealand. The Australian Medical Association initially had reservations about the policy in 2012. But AMA NSW president, Dr Saxon Smith, has now expressed qualified support for having advanced first aiders respond when paramedics were not immediately available. But its critical that this program doesnt replace ambulance services nor lead in any way to a reduction in ambulance services, Dr Smith said. Jim Casey, the president of the Fire Brigade Employees Union said the union was open to the program. But the government has made it crystal clear they refuse to pay for it, he said. Fire and Rescue and the Ambulance service struck an agreement in January to call fire-fighters on an ad-hoc basis even without a formal policy. But The Sun-Herald understands it is very rarely invoked. Some paramedics questioned why nearby firefighters were not paged in the case of hospital wardsman Brad Jones, who died choking in his Blue Mountains home while waiting 30 minutes for an ambulance. It was revealed last week that Mr Jones fate was likely sealed that morning, when on-duty paramedics were sent to cover shortages in Penrith, leaving an ambulance 40 kilometres away, in Springwood, to take the first call. The Australian Paramedics Association said it supported the idea of a program, but only if it was well funded and firefighters were trained, sent only to a select number of cases and never used instead of paramedics. Ambulance response times for emergency cases fell marginally last financial year by about 20 seconds, but this followed a re-classification of emergency cases last year, the Auditor-General noted. A spokeswoman said that Fire Commissioner Greg Mullins is a strong advocate of a co-response program but industrial issues remain unresolved.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 12:32:59 +0000

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