Firoz Mahboob Kamal: ...After the demise of Soviet Union, - TopicsExpress


Firoz Mahboob Kamal: ...After the demise of Soviet Union, Obama doesn’t perceive any foreseeable threat to the geopolitical frontiers. But he recognizes threat to the ideological frontiers. Hence he emphasizes that NATO countries must meet the challenge with strength and conviction. Probably this is the most important message that he passed on to his friends during his recent visit to Europe. Obama’s narratives on ideas and international order are not ambiguous. His idea – like any other western leaders, entails beliefs, values and life styles that are loaded with capitalist, imperialist and hedonist version of the worldview. His values and beliefs justify military occupation of any country of the world, and dropping tons of bombs and drone attacks on the civilian population. He and his predecessors practised such belief and values in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and many other countries. The NATO countries do not possess any distinctive moral or ethical boundary; indeed share the same values, beliefs and ethical norms. Hence all heads of the NATO states find the same incitement to applaud the USA bombardment on any country as mere cheerleaders....
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 02:09:24 +0000

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