First, I want to thank you all for your “likes” and comments. - TopicsExpress


First, I want to thank you all for your “likes” and comments. Your support means so much. Second, I want to assure you all that I’m NOT beating myself up for eating the extra almonds, burger and hot dog. Sure, I was disappointed in myself, but more than anything I wanted to figure out the WHY. Why was I eating extra nuts? Why was I so pissy about going out Friday night? Why did I eat that burger and hot dog? Over the past 3+ years, I’ve really been working on being “happier” and more positive. I’m guessing that many (if not all) of you who have known me for longer than 3 years are thinking, “Erica?!?! Not happy??? Not super positive???” I hid it well! Haha In all seriousness, my smiles and my positivity have always been genuine, but I spent WAY too long worrying about everyone else’s happiness. In recent years, I’ve made the shift to focusing on my happiness, and I’ve grown SO much, and I can confidently say I’m happier than I’ve ever been! An INTEGRAL piece in my mental health journey was to stop pushing my feelings down. If someone hurt me, or if something upset me, I would just bottle it up. That led to me having a temper tantrum or a sobbing fit over (seemingly) the littlest thing. When in essence, that little thing was just the last straw, compounded on top of all of the other things I had pushed down. When I acknowledged something was up this weekend, it allowed me to delve into the WHY, which in and of itself is REMARKABLY therapeutic; and in addition, it led me to get to the root of my behavior so that I could turn things around. And I’ve done just that… I’ve turned things around. I woke up feeling SOOOO much better emotionally, ready to get right back on track. I had my first light English Muffin this morning, with margarine. I also had a light yogurt for breakfast and an apple mid-morning. I had a totally approved lunch as well. And I’m drinking lemon water at the suggestion of my friend Rob, who informed me it helps with bloating. Ever since I started focusing on bettering my mental health, if I was feeling particularly crappy, I would go back to basics. I would avoid people, places and things that I knew would stress me out or upset me, and I would fill my days with the people, places and things that I knew would bring me peace and joy. Simple things, like having freshly laundered sheets on the bed, drinking lots of water so I felt hydrated, picking up a stupid magazine, etc. This is no different. When you feel yourself slipping into a rut, or getting off track, or you just feel off, my advice is go back to the basics. What is proven to “work”? With regards to exercise and fitness, go back to those foods and meals you know will make you feel good and energized. Drink lots of water. As far as fitness, maybe take a walk outside, or jump on your bike, or hit up a yoga class. For me it’s getting back to eating healthy, balanced meals; running; stretching (man do I love me some stretching!); and getting enough sleep. Also… HUGS! Hugs just make me feel better! So when you’re feeling “off,” stop and think about why, and then immerse yourself in the people, places and things that will surely have you feeling better in no time! SENDING HUGS TO YOU ALL!!!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 21:56:15 +0000

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