First We Take Manhattan, Then We Take Berlin by Jack - TopicsExpress


First We Take Manhattan, Then We Take Berlin by Jack Nelson First We Take Manhattan, Then We Take Berlin Author By Judi McLeod October 12, 2014 | Comments| Print friendly | Expect a shock a day until Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014 comes and goes because until then every day is going to be an Obama Friday. Friday has long been ‘dump day’ for the Obama regime. Their way of depressing you, scaremongering you or just making sure you don’t get to enjoy the coming weekend with family. With this administration, you get the worries, including paying the freight while the America-hating Obamas and their hangers on plan another lavish trip, or get manicured and pedicured up for their latest bash with Hollywood stars. Don’t let Obama, his mainstream media running dogs or the permanently pessimistic fool you Don’t let Obama, his mainstream media running dogs or the permanently pessimistic fool you. Obama does not want to come out of midterms without the Dems, who are his major moral support. You can only get so much of that from Valerie Jarrett, Michelle, your mother-in-law and coddled daughters. For all of Obama’s blustering bravado, his kissing up to ISIS, his laying out the welcome mat for a bevy of diseases passed on to Americans by illegal aliens with contagious diseases flooding the southern border, Obama disappears rather than faces up to his critics. Imagine how naked this emperor will feel without his clapping seal Dems who have been with him since inauguration and even before. Distressing, depressing the citizenry has served Obama well up to now. But in order to keep people home on voting day, he’ll be pulling out the discombobulation card. Obama must discombobulate people in order to make them think voting doesn’t matter Obama must discombobulate people in order to make them think voting doesn’t matter; that “they (politicians) are all the same” so midterms don’t really matter, and that it’s time to give up. As spineless, greedy and as self-serving as many as the Republicans are, they can’t hold the proverbial candle to the power-crazed Obama-enabling Democrats. When it’s time to clean out the swamp, we all have to start somewhere and the best place to start is unseating as many Dems as possible. This time it should be the Democrats who are the target of voters who still care for America. Next time out, it’s the RINOs. Voters looking toward midterms should be singing the words of Leonard Cohen’s song, ‘First We Take Manhattan,(Democrats) then we take Berlin’ (RINOS) as the midterms theme song. ...”They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom For trying to change the system from within I’m coming now, I’m coming to reward them First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin” The threat of calamities of every kind will be thrown your way, in the everyday-is-Friday propaganda of the mainstream media, so getting through from today to November 4 will take great presence of mind. Don’t allow Obama to discombobulate you. Obama is a legend in his own mind, don’t let him be a legend in yours. Don’t allow Obama to discombobulate you. Obama is a legend in his own mind, don’t let him be a legend in yours. No matter how hard Obama, with the mega help of the United Nations, pushes threats of a coming Ebola pandemic along, it will not wipe out the entire American population before November 4. The 3,000-plus troops Obama dispatched to Liberia to fight the Ebola spread won’t return to American soil to spread it to their families before November 4. Long before November 4 people will see that it is not that Ebola may reach the pandemic stage that is the most germane story, but how Obama sat it out not doing anything to protect Americans against it when he could have done something that matters most. ISIS beheadings will surge on YouTube delivery but will never surge to the point where they are decapitating millions of Americans on American soil. Even if conspiracy theories that the Obama administration may be letting it happen are true, millions of Americans NEVER will. After midterms there will be two more intolerable years to get through with Obama in the White House wrecking what is left of America. But also two more years to make sure that Hilary never makes good on the dream to sign her name as ‘President Clinton’. Guaranteed it will take a lot of patience to make the Repubs who replace the Dems find their long missing fortitude. For sure Obama will be frenetically busy trying to force Amnesty through as his last kick at the Fundamental Transformation of America can. The bumpy ride of discombobulation is coming your way over the next three and a half weeks. It’s getting harder every day to know what is real and what is only propaganda. Hunker down, ride out the storm and prepare for the worst news imaginable going the rounds on the Internet. But if the battle’s really all about taking back a country, it’s gotta’ be done, one patient step at a time. Pray for presence of mind at the end of every day. Meanwhile, until November 4 comes and goes, the theme song should be ‘First We take Manhattan, then we take Berlin’. Re-print permission has been given by author Copyright © Canada Free Press RSS Feed for Judi McLeod Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh, Newsmax, Drudge Report, Foxnews, and Glenn Beck. Judi can be emailed at: judi@canadafreepress Older articles by Judi McLeod Jack Nelson | October 12, 2014 at 2:25 pm | Categories: Articles of Interest | URL:
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 19:23:28 +0000

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