First and foremost a hearty THANK YOU for everyone who shared my - TopicsExpress


First and foremost a hearty THANK YOU for everyone who shared my original post, commented or wrote about it. It feels really great to be part of such a big and convergent community, where one is supported in times like this. Secondly I’ve never even imagined that this story would expand to such enormity, and to be honest on some level I feel sorry for Danny Xeero ,because it was not my intention to ruin his career. When I saw that compound picture all I wanted was to have it removed. I don’t have the means to sue anyone or to attend an international case, plus I think copyright laws are somewhat confused, immature and hard to force. It wasn’t the first time – and probably not the last – my pictures were used without my permission, the thing that really enraged me was Danny stating that it was 100% his own and that he wanted to sell it as such. Later on Danny contacted me on facebook and we talked about it. What he told me is the following: he made that great foreground shot of the sea, found it was something extraordinary and unique, but was not satisfied with the sky, so he googled up beautiful sunsets and found my pic without any watermarks or links to the original owner. Here is MY MISTAKE in this story, as I don’t like to ruin my photos with enormous watermarks and only put my name on the frame – so it’s easily removed. Danny states he wanted to ask for permission but couldn’t find the owner, but it was a reshare without links (so I’ve been already robbed of my rights by someone else). You can question his statement with google image search on the market, but I wanted to believe him, and you know the rest of the story. Now THAT REST was HIS mistake. He states that this was the only time he did this, and again I wanted to believe him. Although a bit late, I find that he did everything he could with his public atonement. Many argue that it’s just lame and insincere, that these aren’t his own words, that „mistake” is not the right word for what he did... but come on, I myself couldn’t think of anything else I could’ve done or written in a stiuation like this. Not every one of us are born rhetoricians :) I forgave him, it was not my intention to sue him or gain false publicity through this case, so I ask all of you to give him a chance. I think he got enough punishment as it is, has learned the lesson, and in the future he’d have to work hard to gain back his reputation. In many ways I think it’s more cruel than any legal steps I could’ve taken. On a sidenote you could also blame me for not using my own words, because everything written here is the work of my girlfriend, as I’m not as good at English as I’d like to be :) As someone wrote in a comment it’s really stressful not being able to communicate my thoughts directly, and that I should put my trust in someone else to interpret my words. I hope every one of you received the message clearly. Thank you! ZsZs
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 19:41:20 +0000

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