First quarter Moon today, as the Moon in Aries squares the Sun in - TopicsExpress


First quarter Moon today, as the Moon in Aries squares the Sun in Capricorn. Meanwhile, Mars in Aquarius is applying to oppose Jupiter in Leo. The Aries/Capricorn combination brings to mind the societal need for sanctioned and ritualistic expressions of violence, aggression, speed, and competition. Capricorns desire for respect, structure, and success, meets right now with Aries need for muscularity, victory, and competition in order to give us a very dynamic first quarter moon. The first quarter moon is very much a time when particular images, gods, or complexes (that have been moving about in the unconscious) are now taking center stage for this months cycle. Watch today as the desire to ram forward is met with a kind of socially conservative caution. Like the image of a hot tempered military captain, holding himself to the standards of his discipline. A woman struggling to focus on her breathing as she labors to give birth. What is this caution all about? As the opening hard aspect of our new years first moon cycle, its about making sure our actions take us where we want to go in the long run. Its about making sure our desires dont get the best of us. Its also about strategy--knowing its a long race to run, knowing each battle from the war. Its about knowing our desires and knowing which desires chain us into the same old sick cycles and which patterns liberate us. The devil is in the details, and the details are easy to miss right now as we feel the first hints of spring in this Aries first quarter Moon...the tiniest voices prodding us, whats next, whats next?! Meanwhile, as Mars steadily applies Jupiter, we have to look very closely at what offends our pride. Our pride may be our job, our family, our stories. Our pride might be our clothing, our weight, our money. Where are we most inflated and prideful right now and how are we finding that pride challenged by new ideas, people who are different from ourselves, or stories that challenge our own? With Mars and Jupiter opposite, pride definitely comes before a fall, and yet with Jupiter there is always a sense of the near miss victory. Announce a victory too early or get too prideful about whats been won, find it taken away. Lose confidence too quickly and find it restored by an unexpected victory. Be careful because Mars/Jupiter can be accident prone. If you experience a near miss success story, then look carefully at where you were, what you were thinking about, or what was on your mind when you almost took a spill. For example, two nights ago I was cooking on the grill and nearly tripped down the steps (it would have been a really bad injury, no doubt). When I stood back and looked at what was on my mind I thanked the gods for the hip check wake up call. Its good to allow ourselves to be embarrassed. To allow for our pride to be challenged. Its also good to challenge others. But we have to remember that what goes around comes around in an opposition between planets. You dish out too much judgement and criticism, take too many shots at someones pride, and watch it come back around to bite you in the ass. When it does, theres always an opportunity to laugh, say thanks for the lesson learned, and keep moving, rather than feeling injured, victimized, or bitter. On the other hand if youre watching this happen to someone else, then respond sensitively. Dont add insult to injury or rub salt into a wound. Dont go talking about what goes around comes around. Not unless they mention it first. Dont laugh unless its along with, and dont feel secretly good about yourself because thats not an investment that will keep giving to you. With fixed energy standoffs between benefics and malefics its hard to let go of things. Grudges, fixations, attachments, obsessions, stands, ideas, etc. Remember when youre getting stuck that our imaginations are powerful enough to find vast new worlds in all outcomes...even in the ones we want the least. Prayer: Help us to remain flexible with ourselves and others. Temper our pride. Help us to see through the outcomes we fear the most.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 16:23:43 +0000

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