First, thank you for helping me with the #Fundraising for not - TopicsExpress


First, thank you for helping me with the #Fundraising for not just Martin, but Anthony,and now KeAuna...I think it is important I let you in on the back story on the latter to,but first, ...Wonderful news on the Martin front :)...Earlier in the week I was a WEE bit panicked that I would not be able to cover Martins expenses for the motel next week or my credit card swiping from last...yeah, Im not bathing suit shopping to be sure,LOL...anyway...Don and Robin pulled through again, with help from Jeanne ...and we are covered...also, on the YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING FRONT some also rallied around Martins friend ,Anthony, who was about to be homeless--and got him home to Tennessee. The reason for last weeks panic was two fold....asking for help for Anthony and spending time on KeAunas fundraiser page kept me busy,but also, we actually had a promise of a place for Martin ,which fell thru at the last minute,which caught me off guard. **Just an FYI, I dont nitt-wittedly run around looking for folks to help...both Anthony and KeAuna were a direct result of our collective effort to give hope ,and tangible help, to Martin....Anthony had been living at the same motel as Martin these last weeks and had been struggling to make ends meet for he and his wife;when he couldnt come thru, she left,and on his own, he could not afford to stay...well, enter me...I already knew I couldnt afford to house him so,turning to him as he sat in martins room quite shaken and in tears, I asked, what does best case for you look like right now,I,(emphasis,I,)do not have money but if I could get something together...? I want to go home. is all he said --while tears weld once AGAIN...(Id be crying like a baby)....SOOO , the conversation from there lead to an ask to you all,and finally ,a ticket home to be with his family after 4 long years of separation...his mom will arrive today from New Jersey and together they will work on what life will continue to look like...WELL,that bus ride home was a good 2.5 days and,like the rest of us,Anthony got bored,so ...he went on his FB page and took a look at his feed...something happened to Anthony between the day I found him slumped shouldered in Martins room and now...according to him, he wouldnt have even paid attention before...but now, he wanted to try to do good for others like we all had done for him...and there was this friend on his feed that was panicked (panic of this sort I totally understand)she wasnt going to be able to raise the money for her little 18 month olds surgery...she wasn t even asking for the whole amount,just the down payment to get things started...he wondered if I,we,could help...Yes, I prayed , yes, I knew that this might be tricky, but all I could do is...not say here you have it...Martin, who doesnt fit the easy demographic of a place able homeless person is given shelter and time to get his health stabilized...he in turn lends simple friendship to a fellow...and finds himself the catalyst for a do over in another souls life (often hear SOMEONE should do something to get these people off the streets)...enter Anthony...(have seen quoted oft times ,We should just ship THEM back to where they came from,they arent from HB anyway (not unique to HB,just thats where I heard it) ...well, we,YOU did, AND now KeAuna...(Give me a dollar for every time I have heard this sentiment expressed different ways and I would be done fundraising--Wonder if THEY ever try to help anyone else as a result of others helping them ? )So, yeah, so far, as you see here, answer my friends is YES ...and now I have to switch posts to try to make up that thousand that amazing person fronted to be sure that KeAunas surgery would not delay another day...happily,not a burden....please,praying friends , continue to lift my fundraising efforts in prayer...and those that are simply wonderful with encouraging words,know they mean the world to me, and,knowing we all dont have unlimited resoruces, if you can not contribute any more,please share these posts randomly or strategically--you never know who may be totally BLESSED to GET to help in some small or big way.God turns dirt into diamonds daily...just got to find where to dig up that stuff...Love and Blessings,M. @JanaAtwood @BuildingBlocksForHope,Inc @JOhnnysSaloon
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 15:06:23 +0000

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