First, we must warn the public about this sweetheart deal for - TopicsExpress


First, we must warn the public about this sweetheart deal for Congress. Then, we need to pound on the Republican sell-outs who are fighting to save Obamacare. Finally, we need to round up enough conservative votes in the Senate to delay the funding for Obamacare. This is the ultimate battle between grassroots Americans and the establishment. Senators McCain, Graham and their allies actually want to protect Obamacare. They actually believe that keeping this horrible law is good politics as long as they and their staffs don’t have to live under it. They are perfectly happy to cut slimy backroom deals with Barack Obama and Senate Leader Harry Reid. To them, selling out people like you and me is “statesman-like” and “responsible.” Well, nonsense like this backroom Obamacare deal and Senate Republicans’ refusal to defund this law is exactly the type of thing that forced ordinary Americans to form the Tea Party movement in the first place
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 15:42:07 +0000

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