Flipping between Aladdin and Mrs. Doubtfire and it reminded me - TopicsExpress


Flipping between Aladdin and Mrs. Doubtfire and it reminded me that I wanted to post something that I have let few people ever know. Back in 2009, I dealt with a pretty deep depression. I was going through a divorce, I was left to deal with 40k in debt that I hadnt rung up, and basically had to pack up my life and start over. I fought every day to stay positive and keep my chin up, but each day, it got harder and harder. It got to the point where getting up and going to work was a job in itself. I would put on a happy face in front of people, but when I was alone, I could feel my world weighing down on me, getting heavier by the day. I lost weight because I had no appetite. When I was alone. I would just lay in bed and watch tv. Or I would cry. Each day my outlook grew more gloomy. Then the dark and scary thoughts started. There were times where I thought I was going to be alone for the rest of my life, and there were times that I thought I would be better off if I wasnt around. I went through that for a long time. I wouldnt wish what I was going through on my worst enemy. My friends were one of the thighs that helped me out a lot. First, they would always ask how I was doing and of I needed to talk, they were always there. My friends helped by getting me out of the house and keeping my mind occupied, but as soon as I was alone again, the bad thoughts would tear their head. This made me a different person. I was always irritable, rude, and downright mean. I emotionally hurt a lot of good friends when I was struggling. I retreated into a shell, letting very few people in. It took me a long time to feel normal again. I tried anti-depressants and hated the false happiness. I talked with friends, and it helped, but I finally swallowed my pride and went to see a therapist. It took a lot for me to open myself up and talk about a lot of things. Each time I talked to the therapist, it felt like freshly healed wounds were being ripped open all over again, but in time, it hurt less, and I slowly started to feel better. It didnt happen overnight, but I did feel better about myself and started to climb out of my depression. So if you know a friend whoever be dealing with or battling depression, it can never hurt to ask how they are doing, to be that hand that helps pull them back up, that ear that will listen, or be that shoulder they might need to lean on or cry on.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 00:01:07 +0000

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