Florida Republican Representative Ted Yoho has become the third - TopicsExpress


Florida Republican Representative Ted Yoho has become the third conservative member of the House to announce he would vote against John Boehner for Speaker. In addition, he as also volunteered to run against the Speaker if nobody else emerges. “I ran for Congress in 2012 because I had had enough,” Yoho said in announcing his public opposition to Boehner. “Enough of career politicians, enough of political gamesmanship, and enough of the lack of leadership in Washington. As we enter 2015, we are faced with overwhelming challenges. However, the dawn of 2015 also promises unlimited potential and the opportunity to begin rebuilding America.” Yoho also said in his statement that he would be willing to stand up as a potential alternative candidate to Boehner, if members feel they need to vote for someone other than Boehner Of course this still means that the conservatives need over two dozen more to follow suit and at this late date it is highly unlikely–unless there are many who are planning to vote against the Speaker but are afraid to admit it publicly for fear of retribution.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 17:10:06 +0000

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