Focusing On Possibilities In Times Of Difficulty by: H. James - TopicsExpress


Focusing On Possibilities In Times Of Difficulty by: H. James Williams Life is full of uncertainties. Day-to-day, like the weather, fate or circumstances present situations and challenges beyond anyone’s immediate control. Nonetheless, it remains important to make decisions within one’s control to weather storms of life. Otherwise, one is left to drift with every current, wind and storm to potentially become lost at sea. Handling Difficulty Difficulties can be handled in a right way or a wrong way. The right way can bring about unanticipated opportunity and prosperity. The wrong way generally brings about more difficulties, chaos and increased despair. The right way will require good and purposeful actions, unflinching courage, tenacity, a determined heart and a winning spirit. The wrong way usually involves the impetuousness of a foolish heart and little to no mindful thought. Clarifying Ambitions Here are a few questions for clarifying ambitions when addressing difficulty and uncertainty. What might you need to do to avoid foreseeable personal setbacks? What do you need to do in order to endure a temporary hardship? Has any circumstance caused you to doubt your efforts for achieving defined possibilities? Has a recent change in your life given you cause to doubt your efforts leaving you feeling lost and hopeless? What daily thoughts are your guiding principles for your everyday actions? Where, and who, can you turn to for a safe haven in times of personal distress to harbor your emotions, convictions and personal aspirations? What can you imagine on any given day that can reawaken your efforts to seeking new horizons for opportunities and possibilities? Change And Possibility Change, fortuitous or misfortune, is always accompanied by opportunities for new possibilities. Things you have no control over will always require preparation and planning for the best possible outcomes. The rudder of any seagoing vessel must be steered in all manner of weather for a vessel, regardless of condition, to ultimately reach its intended shores. Purpose is needed for focus to chart and sail the high seas of possibilities to your personal success. Patience and forbearance are needed to find support in safe harbors and to set your anchor of determination when needed. Responsibility For Focus In The Midst Of Difficulty You are the captain of your soul and the master of how you manage the circumstances in your life. For as long as you live and have purpose for living, you are responsible for attempting to reach the shores of possibilities in life that you seek. With aims for good purpose in life, coupled with determined ability, there is never reason to succumb to floating mindlessly adrift. © 2013, H. James Williams. All rights reserved.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 12:41:12 +0000

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