Foe Unvanquished Ahhh, my Zeki. She came from Istanbul, where - TopicsExpress


Foe Unvanquished Ahhh, my Zeki. She came from Istanbul, where she had been stabbed in her vaginal area. She was vetted in the USA, then sent to a foster home. They declared she would never be safe around children or livestock. She was sent to me at that point. She was a handful. Coming at me on her hind legs and taking me to the ground. She was not trusting of men, and was crazy in the head, thus the name: Zeki Diala. But, with time, patience and a whole lot of work, she became an lgd. Not only an lgd, but a gentle guardian of me and Keevin and the livestock. As with all foster dogs, the time comes for them to be placed in a forever home. I think by then, I needed her far more than she needed me. NASRN sent me info on several potential adoptees, and they probably would have been fine homes for her, but I picked them apart. Unmercifully. I just could not imagine her living anywhere but here. It was decided that she would stay here. We celebrated with a game of fetch. Not the norm for an asd, I know, but when we first saw her cringe, when we would pick up broken limbs, Keevin, at 8 decided that she would learn to play fetch with a stick, and she did. She would play all day long for him. If I threw a stick she would look at me like you idiot and walk away. Ah well, you win some you lose some. Zeki became an amazing guardian dog, and one evening she tangled with the mountain lion. Zeki wasnt content to bark and run it off. No, in fact, she rarely barked. My Zeki was a paws on kind of girl. She fought with all her might, and she came to the house a bloody ripped up mess. She never whined, just laid in a stoic manner, taking the stitches and the meds as I doled them out to her and cleaned her wounds. I thought I would lose her then. I put her in my shower and I doctored her for days. She pulled through, and the stitches and wounds healed. This girl fought some magnificent battles against predators that tried to take the goats, and she lived to fight another day against many predators of this land. Sadly, time is a foe you can not vanquish. Rest in peace my Zeki Diala. You were an amazing friend, partner and guardian. I will miss you always.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 14:52:46 +0000

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