Folder; Planet X Saturday, April 12/ 2014 article In recent - TopicsExpress


Folder; Planet X Saturday, April 12/ 2014 article In recent weeks, we are witnessing an intensification of the seismic and volcanic activity. From California to Chile through the Yellowstone Park, the Earth is shaken in all directions, which suggests that a major disaster is looming in the near future. All these events, the mainstream media do not deny but they consistently fail to mention a possible underlying cause. According to the official ideology, it is random and nothing else makes that earthquakes and magma upwelling occur at the same time and in different parts of the world. In the same State of mind, any link of cause and effect was eliminated between solar activity and the telluric shock and its just a sacred coincidence if for example, a huge coronal hole is formed on the surface of the Sun at the moment where a powerful earthquake of magnitude 8 struck the Chile and, while the Earth was about to enter an alignment involving Marchthe Sun and Uranus. Yet, the fact is undeniable, most the cataclysms of recent times occurred while such planetary alignments were ongoing. In this case, must one believe that scientists are human beings bounded unable to establish a link of cause and effect? Or rather, should it believe that certain facts are deliberately hidden to the public? Although even most scientists would only sheep lining up without thinking on the dogmas into force, it would necessarily remain a few equipped with sufficient objectivity to see that the position of the planets affects the Sun and by ricochet on our planet. 3 last alignments with Saturn caused major cataclysms This was particularly the case April 11, 2012, with an alignment with Saturn that spawned a magnitude 8.9 earthquake fractured the crust at the level of the Indian ocean. 6 months later, when another alignment with Saturn, the Sandy super-tempete hit the East Coast and flooded the southern part of Manhattan. This is what was the configuration of the solar system at this time And 1 year (and 12 days) later, new alignment with Saturn at the time where sweeping Hayan strongest Typhoon ever recorded: 2 years most of the alignments with Saturn coincided so large-scale cataclysms. Even a child would be able to establish a link of cause and effect, yet nobody in the media or in the scientific world has never been emphasizing this phenomenon. Cover-up and disinformation Therefore, we are indeed facing a massive cover-up to prevent that the public understands what is currently happening across our solar system. And of course, the mere fact that a such cover-up is in place implies that these information are liable to disrupt public order if they were to be revealed formally. It should be noted in passing that several other things are disturbing enough to justify censorship of this kind, include the surge in the number of disasters from the year 2000, the change of the color of the Sun and chemtrails. There again, the media constantly take care never to establish a link of cause and effect and deal with these various phenomena in isolation, at least when they do not outright deny their existence. The fact is that without this obvious censorship, each of these phenomena would update the public on the trail of this great secret which oversees all others that is the influence of a star resembling a brown dwarf whose orbital period amounts in thousands of years, the famous planet X! NASA does not deny that such a star may exist because on several occasions she has catalogued it in the category of Trans-plutoniens objects. It seeks to camouflage these are the obvious effects which it currently exercises throughout the solar system. These effects indicate that this invisible to telescopes Black Star would be much closer than what is commonly accepted. Be it on the net or in scientific circles, many lies circulating about this mysterious brown dwarf. Already, the damage is too substantial to hope to shed light on this subject clearly and calmly. From this point of view, the work of Zecharia Sitchin sape goes in the direction of a misinformation on a large scale. Same thing on the side of the official science hypothesis Nemesis, a twin Sun in an orbital period of 25 million years (!). But as for the cover-ups, this misinformation mean ultimately that certain truths must absolutely be hidden to the eyes of the public The transmission of energy between the stars demonstrates the electromagnetic nature of the universe Understanding the mechanism of planetary alignments means completely review the operation of the solar system. It would then switch to the model of the electric universe where stars are comparable to capacitors accumulating electro-magnetic energy and releasing it during the heliocentres alignments. In such a model, the vacuum of space would therefore serve comparable to Ether of the old driver element.This signifierais give substance to the concepts of Nicolas Tesla free energy and we understand that some powerful groups may hinder this kind of approaches. But the big problem is public will sooner to realise firstly that some alignments produce nothing substantial and that on the other hand some big earthquakes occur while no star is in the axis of alignment (earthquakes of magnitude 9 March 11, 2011, at the Japan-February 20, 2010 at the Chile). With a little savvy, it is possible to understand that these earthquakes are caused by a non-listed star and once the direction in which it is located has been determined, we understand that it influences first of all the stars that are in the same region of the sky that he. For several years, it is Saturn which is the first planet has under its influence. Saturn absorbs a portion of the electromagnetic influence of Planet X but in turn affects the earth when rosters. This influence translates into gigantic storms and a possible tipping of its rings. Before Saturn, it was Jupiter and there again, there has been gigantic storms. In addition, the 11 year cycle of the Sun is dictated by the alignments between the latter, Jupiter and the brown dwarf. And as expected, the last round has been turned upside down since the brown dwarf is entered within the solar system. As a reminder, the last alignment in November 2003 saw the a larger solar flares ever recorded. Today, it finds that the last wave of earthquakes and volcanic tremors occurred when an alignment with Uranus and to some extent with Mars. We can therefore easily determine what portion of the sky should currently be planet X and its the constellation Virgo: Conclusion Under all that has been mentioned previously, the next period of danger would begin around May 6 when Saturn begins its alignment with the Earth (10 May). In which case, it will take a combination of earthquakes, magma upwelling and various climatic hazards. In case of earthquake, magnitude will indicate to what extent the planet X influence Saturn. In other words, it will determine the degree of difference between one and the other. What you should remember it is that paradoxically, a very powerful earthquake (at least magnitude 8) would mean that Saturn still plays its role of shield screw Earth. Otherwise, it would mean that for the next year we will be faced directly the influence of Planet X which means that we will attend an amplification of disasters throughout the year with a first peak in six months and another more important in exactly 1 year. In a month, the planet X hypothesis would therefore all the chances to become a valid experimentally fact. This conundrum is more of a, then time an adjacent topic that religions call The day of the Lord and which still hangs a biggest mystery... Picture N1 Position of the planets at April 1 Picture N2 Position of the planets at the time of the earthquake of April 11, 2012 Photo No. 3 Position of the planets at the time of the Sandy super-tempete (25-30 October 2012). Photo No. 4 Position of the planets at November 9, 2013 Photo No. 5 Cross-sectional view of the solar system on April 1, 2014. Image generated by: solarsystemscope PS/ Correction: Saturn will be in opposition from 10 may, the effects of alignment can start 4 days before this date. PS/ With Saturn alignments causing cataclysms. However there are earthquakes in recurring character (1 year and 12 days) while there is no planetary alignment. Conclusion: there are an unknown planet in this direction. PS/As Saturn, Planet X was moving at the rate of 12 ° (or 12 days) per year and relative to the Earth. But in 2012 the time limit is shortened to 9 ° (or 9 days) due to the curvature of its elliptical orbit. The main alignment of 2012 was held March 20 and caused an earthquake of 7.9 in Mexico (scheduled and planned by the authorities). The following month, it was the turn of Saturn to be aligned and this has given (among others) the earthquake of 8.9 in Indonesia on April 12. This year, we are witnessing a similar scenario, first we have the series of earthquakes caused by alignment with Planet X and the following months will be the series of earthquakes caused by Saturn. In all cases, Saturn Synodic periods cannot be confused with those of Planet X. The first are stable since Saturn has a rounded orbit while planet X has an elliptical orbit that shortened the period between 2 of rosters. (Bing traduction) @thony 64 via Rorsch blog / for HDC
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 19:36:54 +0000

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